- Arch:RV32I
- Privilege : only M-mode
- User-Level ISA Version 2.2
- Privileged ISA Version 1.11
- Interrupt:External
- CPU Bus: Intel Avalon-MM Interface
- Pipelines: 5-stage(IF/ID/EX/MEM/WB)
- Written: in Chisel-lang v.3.4 + Makefile
The standard environment assumption is using Cyclone10LP(10CL025YU256C8G).
- Cross development environment: Environment that satisfies all of the following conditions
- An environment running Windows 10/WSL2
- Running Quartus Prime Lite v.20.1.1 or higher
- A scala/sbt environment must be available.
- Pyhton 3.7 or higher is required.
- FPGA requirements: Devices that satisfied one of the following requirements
- Cyclone 10LP (device with 10CL010 or more logic elements)
- An intel FPGA with at least 1-block PLL, at least 7000 LEs of logic elements, and at least 1-KiB of On-Chip RAM
git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-gnu-toolchain
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32i
sudo make
cd -
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV
cd KyogenRV/
make sdk
You can choose between GUI or CUI, the CUI method is useful when using a cloud or on-premises Windows PC.
Run Quartus Prime and open the fpga/kyogenrv_fpga_top.qpf
Menu -> Processing -> Start Compilation to start compilation.
Open the build script build_sdk.sh
with an editor and set the Quartus Prime installation folder, KyogenRV directory, etc.
After confirming that everything PATH is correct, just run the following at the root of the project.
Regardless of which method CUI or GUI you use above, make sure that there are no build errors before modifying the project to fit your board environment using Pin Planner or Platform Designer.
The following files will be generated in the fpga
- kyogenrv_fpga_top.sof
If you use CUI, the following file will also be generated.
- kyogenrv_fpga_top.svf
You may find it helpful to know how does this RISC-V CPU and its project works to modify src/sw/main.c
If the code consists of multiple files or the file names are changed, please rewrite src/sw/common2.mk
to Makefile build all fixed and modified files.
After saving the file, run
make c_all
to compile project and re-generate the intel hex files. If you are build all FPGA project, you can run,
make sdk
Start compiling by going to Menu -> Processing -> Start Compilation. The generated *.sof file is used to configure the FPGA via Quartus Programmer.
Compared with GUI, the procedure is simple. just run following to rebuild.
Configure the FPGA using *.sof or *.svf.
The following is the procedure for PC-based simulation; it is not necessary when using the FPGA hardware.
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV
cd KyogenRV/
make clean
make test
to generate your *.hex files from your *.s,
put your *.s file to src/sw/
and then execute below
./build_asm.py # generate *.hex file from *.s
./mk_intel_hex.py # generate intel hex files
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV
clone from riscv-tests
git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-tests
cd riscv-tests
git submodule update --init --recursive
then modify linker script
nano env/p/link.ld
change start address of '.text' section to start 0x00000000
. = 0x00000000; # -> change this
.text.init : { *(.text.init) }
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
.tohost : { *(.tohost) }
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
.text : { *(.text) }
. = ALIGN(0x1000);
.data : { *(.data) }
.bss : { *(.bss) }
_end = .;
save link.ld and make riscv-tests
./configure --prefix=<your-kyogenRVs-root-dir>/tests/
make install
cd ../
cd KyogenRV/
make clean
make riscv-tests
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV
cd KyogenRV/
make clean
make hdl
The following instructions is written for who want to explore this "KyogenRV" RV32I design step by step. Otherwise, please clone the latest from GitHub.
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV -b 0.0.2 --depth 1
cd KyogenRV/
make test
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV -b 0.0.9 --depth 1
cd KyogenRV/
make test
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV -b --depth 1
cd KyogenRV/
write asm file and save to src/sw/test.s
then build as follows
make asm
you'll get src/sw/test.hex
then build test module in chisel project as follows
make test
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV -b --depth 1
cd KyogenRV/
write asm file and save to src/sw/test.s
then build as follows
make clean
make asm
you'll get src/sw/test.hex
then build test module in chisel project as follows
make test
when you modified src/sw/test.s
, just type as follows
make test
so makefile scan test.hex is changed and re-assemble then build chisel project.
git clone http://github.com/panda5mt/KyogenRV -b --depth 1
cd KyogenRV/
write asm file and save to src/sw/test.s
then build as follows
make clean
make asm
you'll get src/sw/test.hex
then build test module in chisel project as follows
make test
when you modified src/sw/test.hex
, just type as follows
make test
so makefile scan test.hex is changed and re-assemble then build chisel project.
please git clone latest one.