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Zen Garden

"Zen Garden is a minimalistic Meditation-Timer to help you find your zen moment fast"

alt text



The purpose of this Web-App is to allow people to track their meditation habits and have reliable timer to take the desired time off. Meditation is an effective method to relieve stress and increase well being. In our busy and stressful everday life it is often hard to find time to sit still and just take a deep breath. Due to my own experiences of meditating everyday and using various timers i had the motivation to build something that i can use myself and enable others to get the chance to benefit from a daily meditation.


The WebApp is targeted to users who now basic principles or practices of meditation and who are looking for a solution to track their meditation time and have a motivation to keep up the day-to-day sessions by tracking their streak.


Even though it would be great to have unlimited time for meditation like a zen monk, everyday life has its demands and we can often only slice a couple of minutes out of the day. Therefore the timer helps to enjoy the meditation sitting without worrying about meditating too long or too short. Since phone timers often have awkward timer sounds that are not sensitive the use of compelling gong sounds start and end the session itself.


The core functionaly of this WebApp is to provide an meditation timer. It allows the user to start a session, which is signaled by a gentle gong sound. Furthermore the user has the option to activate/deactive an ambient sound, choose the prefered meditation time (5, 10, 15, 20 Minutes) and a background image. Additionally the WebApp tracks the day-to-day interactions and allows the user to track his/her meditation streak.

User Stories

The following user stories where defined before the development:

  • As a meditator i want to choose between longer and shorter sessions, so that i can adjust my practice to my liking.
  • As a mediator i want to have a countdown button after starting the mediation, so that i have time to close my eyes and adjust my seating before the "real" practice starts.
  • As a meditator i want to be able to start / stop the timer, so that i can react to interruptions.
  • As a meditator i want to be informed when a session is done, so that i know when my time is up.
  • As a meditator i want to be able to activate / deactivate whitenoise, so that i have the chance to focus on my meditation in noisy surroundings.
  • As a mediator i want to keep track of my day-to-day practice, so i keep being motivated even on days where my energy is low.
  • As a meditator i want to see inspiration quotes, so that my mind has something to ponder on during my day.
  • As a meditator i want to have beautiful backgrounds, so that my mind is in a positive state.


The wireframes were sketched in Balsamiq Mockups and can be found here or following the direct links:

Zen Garden

Zen Garden - Settings

Wireframes vs Finished project

Planned Result Reasoning
Web Landing Zen Garden -  Web Zen Garden - Final Web * progressbar exchanged for animated outline * left out warmup/cooldown options * included settingsbutton
Mobile Landing Zen Garden - Mob Zen Garden - Final Mob * exchanged progressbar for animated circle to track progress
Web Settings Zen Garden - Web Settings Zen Garden - Final Web Settings * left out warm-up/cool-down option * only provided on/off switch for white noise and used bell as a default * reminder bell was excluded * added option for a random background * used morning/afternoon background
Mobile Settings Zen Garden - Mob Settings Zen Garden - Final Mob Settings (see websettings)



The Web App is designed to be a single page application. It basically contains 4 different size sections. On top is the title bar which holds the Logo/Application Name and the Settings-Button. The section that follows provides space to display random Quotes from The third section holds the core functionality of the app - the meditation timer. It displays a circle that gets filled as time progresses. Additionally the time is printed below the circle. The user has the option to interact with a single button which controls play, pause and reset. At the bottom of the page the Streakbar is being displayed. It contains of 7 squares which get exchanged for squares with a checkmark after a completed meditation.

Colour scheme

The App backgrounds with a light greyfilter on top of it to reach a standardized look. Orange is used as a highlighting color and the font is white.


Roboto was used due to its "dual nature". On the one hand its clean and geometric and on the other hand it signals friendliness and openness, which is believed to also effect the user when seeing the font.


  • Timer incl. Control, Start / Finish Sound
  • Random Inspirational Quotes
  • Ambient Sound can be activated/deactivated incl. volume controle
  • 7-Day-Streak
  • Background-Image can be switched (Morning, Afternoon, Random)
  • Offline support
  • Progress Web App support
  • Warm Up & Cool-Down Time can be activated

Finished Features

  • Timer inkl. Control
    Interactive countdown timer with animated circle created through the use of html, css, javascript
    countdown time can be adjusted (5, 10, 15, 20 Minutes) countdown can be restored after finishing a session
    countdown can be started, stopped and resumed
    default meditation duration is 15 minutes

  • Inspirational Quotes
    Quotes are fetched from
    Function calculates random number between 1 and 100 which is then used to choose the quoate from the array
    quotes get fetched on every page reload

  • Ambient Sound can be activated/deactivated incl. volume controle
    integrated soundManager2 howler.js library (ADD LINK) to handle playing of songs and support different browser
    integrated start- and endbell sound
    integrated option to play ambient sound (river sound)

  • 7-Day-Streak
    day to day activities are tracked through 2 localstorage variables (Number of Sessions & Date last session completed)
    if one day of meditation is missed the streak is broken and all values are reset
    after 7 days in a row a congratz popup will show

  • Background can be switched (Morning, Afternoon, Random)
    depending on the time of the day the user gets a different image
    in the setting modal the user has the chance to manually switch between morning, afternoon or a random background image.
    random background image is pulled from unsplash (

  • Offline support
    Service Worker has been integrated to store core files in the users storage CacheName + CacheVersion can be used to control cacheUsage after Updates by increasing the version number

  • PWA support
    manifest was set up, so that it also allows the user to save the url to the homescreen and start it as an app from the homescreen necessary logos in demanded sizes where designed and created can be used as a standalone app

How to use it as an standalone App on iPhone Devices?

  1. Open Safari
  2. Call
  3. Press "Share"-Button
  4. Choose "Add to Homescreen"
  5. Close Safari
  6. Look on Homescreen for an orange app icon called "Zen"

Features/Changes for the Future

  • Warm Up & Cool-Down Time can be activated
  • Reduce amount of global variables
  • Increase amount of Jasmine tests
  • Refactor code to increase testability
  • Track amount of completed streaks (e.g. 4 x 7-Day-Streaks)
  • Integrate reward program for multiple completed streaks
  • As user accaptance increases it could be interesting to store the user activities to a server to provide cross device support
  • in order to support cross device support a user data base would also be a helpful feature
  • Integrate End-to-End Testing Framework (e.g. Cypress) to increase quality

Technologies Used


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript

Frameworks & Libraries

  • Bootstrap 4.5.0
    To make use of a responsive css-framework and to ensure mobile first approach.
  • Font Awesome 5.13.0
    Using Icons within the page
  • SoundManager2
  • Howler.js
    Howler.js library helpy to handles all audio() calls across various browsers
    special support for iOS
  • Google Fonts
    To make use of the Roboto Font
  • jQuery
    Comes with Bootstrap


  • Git
    Version Control
  • GitHub
    cloud-based hosting service to manage Git repositories.
  • Gitpod
    cloud-base development Environment
  • Balsamiq
    Wireframe design tool
  • Am I responsive
    To Check responsiveness and create demonstration gif for readme


Automatated Testing

Jasmine used to set up tests. Some example test where written but should be extended more broadly in the future. Therefore it would make sense to refactor the existing functions to make them easier for testing.

Manual Testing

Testing Protocol

  1. Start Stop of Timer
    Start / Stop Control Start / Stop Countdown
  2. Entering Settings while no mediation is running
  3. Entering Settings while meditation is running
  4. Switching Meditation-Duration while no mediation is running
    Time Control
  5. Switching Meditation-Duration while Timer is playing
    Time Control while Active
  6. Switch background
    Background Control
  7. Activate/Deactivate White-Noise & Change Volume of White-Noise
    Sound Control
  8. Check Streak Logic after one missed day
  9. Check Streak Logic over 7 days
    7 Day Streak
  10. Testing if Service Worker is running
    Service Worker

Testing Methods

  • Browser Compatability
  • Device Compatibility
    iPhone 11 Pro
  • Friends and Family Testing
  • Peer-Review in CI #slack

Validator Checks, Audits & Tools

  • W3C HTML Validator (
    Used to make sure that no obvious html mistakes are made
    fixed wrong data-attribute on buttons
    removed unused code
    Zen Garden - w3c Validator
  • CSS Validator
    Running the Site through the validator produced a lot of errors - even from the bootstrap library
    Only manually pasting my own css threw the following output
    Warnings and errors are mainly focusing on browser specific extensions No changes were applied Zen Garden - Css Validator
  • JS Hint (
    Used to remove unused variables and check for mistakes
    Howl was found since the howler.js libarary is called in the index.html and wasn't included in the file
    controlAmbientSound & updateVolume are used on the buttons and not in the app.js file itself JS Hint Results
  • Lighthouse (
    Used the validator to improve Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, SEO and Progress Web App Setup
    Light House Results
  • Troy ( tested layout on different device sizes
    to check CSS content-visibility

Known Bugs & Issues

  • Fixed Bugs & Issues:
    Sound on Safari not playing (switched from SoundManager2 to Howler.js)
    Location of the play/pause button due to absolute positioning
    Setup of PWA was tricky due to routing of github pages - solution was adapted from

  • Open Issues:
    landscape view on mobile devices (especially iOS X Devices) still not 100%

Making the Site work on an iPhone 11

Before: iPhone Support Before

The site has problems with safari (and also chrome) and the viewheight calculation. The mobile browsers decided to calculate the viewheight incl. the bottom toolbar, which disappears when scrolling. Therefore content often hides behind the toolbar which is especially problematic when its a single page site. The solution which i found after hours of research and stackoverflow reading is to calculate the innerHeight of the screen and use it as a variable for the css height calculation. The innerHeight gets calculated on every resize action. Landscape mode made this even trickier with the notch. Removing the white bars in landscape mode and to allow fullscreen view pushed content behind the notch. Hence safety margins for Devices in Landscape mode and small screens where introduced. The solution is good but not perfect. The parent element displays content over the full screen width. However the grey masking of images is assigned to the content elements which use a different width and therefore not the whole screen is perfectly displayed on landscapemode. Many attemps with safari debugger and debugging the iPhone helped to make it better, unfortuantely it could not be resolved completly.

After: iPhone Support Before


Deployment via Github Pages

  • Log in to GitHub
  • Choose prefered GitHub Repository
  • Navigate to Repository Settings
  • Scroll to GitHub Pages Section
  • Set Source from "None" to "Master Branch"

If you want to deploy the site to githubpages yourself, you will need to adjust the routes for the registration of the service worker and the according manifest.json. If you want to test the service worker on a local machine you also need to remove the /{repository name}/ from the scope.

Working with the Code

  • Navigate to Mainpage of the repository
  • Click on "Code" button
  • Choose "Clone with HTTPs" & copy URL
  • Open Terminal
  • Change the current working directory to prefered location
  • Type git clone and past copied URL git clone
  • Press Enter to create local clone
  • Navigate to Mainpage of the repository
  • Click Fork in the top-right corner

Option C: Download zip file form Github





My Mentor for continuous help and support throughout the project.

The Code Institute Slack Community.

Friends & Family for continuous feedback and support.


Created by @p0wen


This Project has the goal to provide an easy to use meditation timer.







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