ofxStyledLine is an Open Frameworks addon that extends ofPolyline to : - set the width/thickness of the line - control the colors of the line on each segment - control the pattern (dash, dot, )
We can use the ofPolyline functions (addVertex, lineTo, curveTo, close... ) to build the skeleton of the line. This skeleton is then styled with setColor, setThickness or setPattern.
ofxStyledLine use the programmable GL renderer and geometry shader to render lines.
This addon is distributed under the MIT License.
Just drop the folder into your addons folder (generally openFrameworks/addons/
ofxStyledLine do not require any additional addon to run. However, tests use ofxUnitTests
addon that should already be inside your addon folder.
This addon has been tested only on OF 0.10.1 on MSYS2
ofxStyledLine is at its very early stage. Please report issues.