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Griffin Moe edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 1 revision

Here's an example on how you can play notes and chords in Overtone.

Much of this can be seen in the code that corresponds with the Overtone Live Coding video overview.

;; We use a saw-wave that we defined in the oscillators tutorial
(definst saw-wave [freq 440 attack 0.01 sustain 0.4 release 0.1 vol 0.4] 
  (* (env-gen (env-lin attack sustain release) 1 1 0 1 FREE)
     (saw freq)

;; We can play notes using frequency in Hz
(saw-wave 440)
(saw-wave 523.25)
(saw-wave 261.62) ; This is C4

;; We can also play notes using MIDI note values
(saw-wave (midi->hz 69))
(saw-wave (midi->hz 72))
(saw-wave (midi->hz 60)) ; This is C4

;; We can play notes using standard music notes as well
(saw-wave (midi->hz (note :A4)))
(saw-wave (midi->hz (note :C5)))
(saw-wave (midi->hz (note :C4))) ; This is C4! Surprised?

;; Define a function for convenience
(defn note->hz [music-note]
	(midi->hz (note music-note)))

; Slightly less to type	
(saw-wave (note->hz :C5))

;; Let's make it even easier
(defn saw2 [music-note]
	(saw-wave (midi->hz (note music-note))))
;; Great!
(saw2 :A4)
(saw2 :C5)
(saw2 :C4)

;; Let's play some chords

;; this is one possible implementation of play-chord
(defn play-chord [a-chord]
  (doseq [note a-chord] (saw2 note)))

;; We can play many types of chords.
;; For the complete list, visit and search for "def CHORD"
(play-chord (chord :C4 :major))

;; We can play a chord progression on the synth
;; using times:
(defn chord-progression-time []
  (let [time (now)]
    (at time (play-chord (chord :C4 :major)))
    (at (+ 2000 time) (play-chord (chord :G3 :major)))
    (at (+ 3000 time) (play-chord (chord :F3 :sus4)))
    (at (+ 4300 time) (play-chord (chord :F3 :major)))
    (at (+ 5000 time) (play-chord (chord :G3 :major)))))


;; or beats:
(defonce metro (metronome 120))
(defn chord-progression-beat [m beat-num]
  (at (m (+ 0 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :C4 :major)))
  (at (m (+ 4 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :G3 :major)))
  (at (m (+ 8 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :A3 :minor)))
  (at (m (+ 14 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :F3 :major)))  

(chord-progression-beat metro (metro))

;; We can use recursion to keep playing the chord progression
(defn chord-progression-beat [m beat-num]
  (at (m (+ 0 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :C4 :major)))
  (at (m (+ 4 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :G3 :major)))
  (at (m (+ 8 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :A3 :minor)))
  (at (m (+ 12 beat-num)) (play-chord (chord :F3 :major)))
  (apply-at (m (+ 16 beat-num)) chord-progression-beat m (+ 16 beat-num) [])
(chord-progression-beat metro (metro))