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needs-retitle is an external plugin for prow to avoid merging PRs when the title doesn't match a provided regular expression.

It is based on the needs-rebase plugin, so the code is more or less the same.

The plugin will check pull requests in the enabled repos and will add a tag needs-retitle to the pull requests whose titles don't match the provided regular expression.

The plugin will run every time a pull request is created, edited or new commits are added. It will also run periodically checking open pull requests.


You'll need to add new things to your prow plugins.yaml file:

  • The plugin configuration: you need to provide a regular expression (required), and an optional error message. The message will be added as a comment when the plugin detects a pull request with a title that doesn't match the regular expression. If no error message is provided the plugin will add a default message. Example:

      regexp: "^(fix:|feat:|major:).*$"
      error_message: |
        Invalid title for the PR, the title needs to be like:
        fix: this is a fix commit
        feat: this is a feature commit
        major: this is a major commit
  • The settings to enable it as external plugin for prow, for example:

      - name: needs-retitle
        # No endpoint specified implies "http://{{name}}".
        - pull_request
        # Dispatching issue_comment events to the needs-retitle plugin is optional. If enabled, this may cost up to two token per comment on a PR. If `ghproxy`
        # is in use, these two tokens are only needed if the PR or its mergeability changed.
        - issue_comment
  • Add the new label to missingLabels in the tide settings (in prow usually in config.yaml), that way the label needs-retitle will stop tide from merging the pull requests, example:

      sync_period: 1m
        my-org: squash
      blocker_label: tide/merge-blocker
      squash_label: tide/merge-method-squash
      rebase_label: tide/merge-method-rebase
      merge_label: tide/merge-method-merge
        from-branch-protection: true
        skip-unknown-contexts: false
        - orgs:
            - my-org
            - lgtm
            - approved
            - do-not-merge
            - do-not-merge/hold
            - do-not-merge/work-in-progress
            - needs-rebase
            - do-not-merge/invalid-owners-file
            - needs-retitle


  • To make just the binary run: make build
  • To build an specific version run: VERSION=v0.1.0 make build
  • To run the tests run: make test
  • To build the docker image run: make docker-build


You can find manifest to use as example to deploy the plugin in deploy

Remember to change the version, the manifests are using as version canary