Docker container with utilities to process JSON data (jq, jsonlint...).
Let's say that you have a file foo.json
in your current working directory that you want to process with jq:
cat foo.json | docker run --rm -i --net=none thomasleplus/json jq '.'
type foo.json | docker run --rm -i --net=none thomasleplus/json jq '.'
Same thing, assuming that you have a file foo.json
in your current working directory that you want to process with jq:
docker run --rm -t --user="$(id -u):$(id -g)" --net=none -v "$(pwd):/tmp" thomasleplus/json jq '.' /tmp/foo.json
In cmd
docker run --rm -t --net=none -v "%cd%:/tmp" thomasleplus/json jq '.' /tmp/foo.json
In PowerShell:
docker run --rm -t --net=none -v "${PWD}:/tmp" thomasleplus/json jq '.' /tmp/foo.json
To know more command line options of jq
docker run --rm --net=none thomasleplus/json jq -h
Please use this link (GitHub account required) to request that a new tool be added to the image. I am always interested in adding new capabilities to these images.