To help users download our public data easily, we've put all Kline, Trade, and AggTrade data for all pairs, month by month, online.
Note: AggTrade data is still being prepared.
FUTURES data is not available as of this time.
The klines data is downloaded from /api/v3/klines
and the title for each column in the kline data:
Open time | Open | High | Low | Close | Volume | Close time | Quote asset volume | Number of trades | Taker buy base asset volume | Taker buy quote asset volume | Ignore |
1601510340000 | 4.15070000 | 4.15870000 | 4.15060000 | 4.15540000 | 539.23000000 | 1601510399999 | 2240.39860900 | 13 | 401.82000000 | 1669.98121300 | 0 |
The trades data is downloaded from /api/v3/historicalTrades
, the title for each column in the trades data:
trade Id | price | qty | quoteQty | time | isBuyerMaker | isBestMatch |
51175358 | 17.80180000 | 5.69000000 | 101.29224200 | 1583709433583 | True | True |
The base url is
and you can use your browser to view and download the data.
All symbols are supported, the file format is:
e.g. the url for BNBUSDT 1m klines for 2019-01 is:
All intervals are supported:
, 3m
, 5m
, 15m
, 30m
, 1h
, 2h
, 4h
, 6h
, 8h
, 12h
, 1d
, 3d
, 1w
, 1mo
is used instead of1M
to supprt non-case sensitive file systems.
All symbols are supported, the file format is:
e.g. the url BNBUSDT trades in 2019-01 is:
This section will be updated when the data is uploaded.
# download a single file
curl -s "" -o
wget ""
We will expand this section with more methods in the future.
There are additional helper scripts both in python and shell in their respective folders of this repository.
Please open an issue here.