The project is specifically designed to manage data generated from a simulator written in Java for the nematode C. elegans.
In a nutshell, it collects scattered data, merges it into a single simple text file based database, then queries it to find a goodness of fit for certain parameters that can then be thrown into the java simulator.
The project has been halted because an alternative solution has been reached. Many thanks to Dr. Netta Cohen for providing me with guidance.
- Python 3+
- Extracting information from data file path names and their contents
- Generating a database from the collected database
- Querying the database based on specified criteria
The only files needed are the and settings.ini files. To run the code, specify the paths of the directories and files in the settings.ini file and then run normally run the script.
Supervisor: Dr. Netta Cohen
Author: Othman Ali Khan
Email: [email protected]
This code is distributed under the MIT license. For further information, see the LICENSE file.