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Build Instructions

NytroC edited this page Jun 13, 2017 · 19 revisions

Build Instructions

You will need a micro SD card, we are using a 32gb class 10 card, at least a 8gb is recommended.

On your PC

Download Noobs This is an easy to use operating system installer for the Raspberry Pi.

It is recommended that you reformat the SD card you can download a third-party formatter or if on Mac you can use the disk utility. Make sure that the format is MS-DOS[FAT].

Unpack the .zip and transfer all the contents of the Noob file to the SD card, not the folder itself. This may take a few minutes.

On the Pi

Insert the SD into the Raspberry Pi. Plugin your keyboard and mouse. Connect your monitor. Then, connect the power.

When the Screen comes up with the list of operating systems, select Raspian with Pixel. Click install OS.

Connect your Raspberry Pi to the internet. There are two options: there is an ethernet connection on the Pi to hardwire your Pi, there is also a wifi option. To use the wifi option, open up the selector in the top right corner of your toolbar and select your network.

Setting up VNC

On your Pi

The first step is to access your Pi's preferences. Then, select interfaces navigate to VNC and click enabled.

You then want to open a terminal window and input the following commands to install realVNC:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server
sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-viewer

Restart your Pi. There will now be a realVNC icon in the top right hand corner of your desktop. Click on the icon and write down the IP address, you will need it later when making the connection from your computer.

On your Pc

Navigate to and download the realVNC viewer for your platform. Install and launch realVNC. A window with an input bar will appear.

Input the IP address that you saved from earlier and hit enter. The viewer will launch and ask for credentials. If you have not changed the defaults, the user will be pi and the password will be raspberry. The next time you launch the viewer all information will be saved.


Open a terminal window, run the following line. curl | sudo sh

You are ready to play with processing on your Raspberry Pi!

Getting exhibit-x for testing

Navigate to the exhibit-x GitHub repo. Click on the green clone or download button.Copy that URL into your clipboard.

Open the Pi open a terminal window. Navigate to the folder, through the terminal, you wish to store your exhibit-x folder in.

Type in the terminal, git clone then paste the URL you copied from the repo.This will copy the repo to the folder you are in.

Open Processing select file, then open. Navigate to the exhibit-x and select the example sketch you wish to run.

You may need to import some libraries depending on which sketch you selected. At the top of the sketch you will see some import statements. Simply go to you toolbar select sketch, import library, add library. Search for the name of the library you wish to add. Select that library and hit install.

You are now ready to run the example, just hit the play button.


This whole installation process can be done in a terminal window

It is suggested that you update your software to the latest packages. To do so run these commands in a terminal window. sudo apt-get clean, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade.

The next step is to download openFrameworks. In the command window execute, wget

Make a directory for openFrameworks.
mkdir openFrameworks

Unpack the download into that folder.
tar vxfz of_v0.9.8_linuxarmv6l_release.tar.gz -C openFrameworks --strip-components 1

Install necessary dependencies.
sudo ./

Compile openFrameworks.
make Release -C /home/pi/openFrameworks/libs/openFrameworksCompiled/project

Compiling and running your first example

There are many examples to choose from int the openFrameworks/examples folder. I would start off with a simple graphics example to make sure openFrameworks runs.

For example:

navigate to the chosen example folder.
cd /home/pi/openFrameworks/examples/graphics/polygonExample

Compile the polygonExample.

Run the polygonExample.
make run

Raspberry Pi camera V2

The camera works right out of the box with the Pi. To get it running go to the Raspberry Pi config, then interfaces and set the camera to enabled.

If you want the camera to work with openFrameworks you will need a couple more steps. The camera does not work with the default openFrameworks library. You will need to install the ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber. Add the download file to your addons folder then just add the name ofxRPiCameraVideoGrabber to you addons.make file and you are ready to use it in your project.