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Popular repositories

  1. gazebo_models gazebo_models Public

    Gazebo database of SDF models. This is a predecessor to

    HTML 794 911

  2. docker_images docker_images Public

    A repository to hold definitions of docker images maintained by OSRF

    Dockerfile 520 165

  3. car_demo car_demo Public

    C++ 518 270

  4. rocker rocker Public

    A tool to run docker containers with overlays and convenient options for things like GUIs etc.

    Python 518 65

  5. rosbook rosbook Public

    Example code to accompany the book Programming Robots with ROS

    Python 473 238

  6. vrx vrx Public

    Virtual RobotX (VRX) resources.

    C++ 378 175


Showing 10 of 256 repositories