Rosbag2parquet transforms ROS .bag
files into a set of query friendlier .parquet
files (one parquet table per message type, and two auxiliary tables with per-message and connection info)
By splitting messages into tables based on data type, we avoid having small throughput sensors such as GPS and Imu be scattered among a sea of images and lidar, requiring scans of most data to get a full view of a single sensor. This action by itself can help speed certain queries by a lot. Beyond that, we parse ros message fields and store them separately as well (only scalars and nested scalars for now).
Parquet is a chunked-columnar format. Chunked means a group of rows get placed together. Each chunk has statistics on each column (eg, min,max,count,count nulls) that allow one to decide whether a chunk has data of interest without scanning all rows to find out. Rosbag does something similar but only on a few select fields (timestamp, connection). Like in rosbag, whole chunks then get compressed. Parquet supports a lot more chunk compression formats in the compute-size tradeoff spectrum than rosbag. (Eg. SNAPPY, LZO, GZIP).
Columnar means that within a chunk, bytes from the same fields across different rows get stored physically together. By making data columnar, it is possible to access a subset of the fields in a CompressedImage (eg, the header timestamp or the format string) before deciding whether to incur I/O for the image blob itself. This is useful especially in bandwidth constrained data access (eg accessing csail NFS through 1Gbit ethernet). In addition to bandwidth savings, in principle, the fields in the same columns are more compressible when laid out together, though we dont' know if this is a big deal in our case. Additionally, Parquet supports per-column encoding schemes like Dictionary encoding, run length and delta.
We are still learning whether these things are a big advantage in practice (or whether the tooling works). We may decide an alternative format is better. Most of the implementation work here is really on the parsing of the bag, not on writing the parquet.
Parquet has a strong community: eg. pyarrow.parquet
lets you load individual chunks or columns from a parquet file into a pandas data frame. Spark, Dask, Impala and Drill all allow you to query parquet files without loading. Multiple compatible parquet files can be treated as a single file.
Some relational databases include foreign data wrappers for parquet files (eg, Vertica). In principle, postgres could have one implemented as well. These allow one to query with SQL without going through an extra load phase.
$ ./rosbag2parquet.bin --bagfile ~/test_data/blue_100M.bag --outdir /tmp/
creating output directory /tmp/blue_100M_parquet_dir.36
******* Parquet schema:
message Messages {
required int64 seqno;
required int32 time_sec (UINT_32);
required int32 time_nsec (UINT_32);
required int32 size (UINT_32);
required int32 connection_id (UINT_32);
******* Parquet schema:
message Connections {
required int32 connection_id (UINT_32);
required binary topic (UTF8);
required binary datatype (UTF8);
required binary md5sum (UTF8);
required binary msg_def (UTF8);
required binary callerid (UTF8);
******* found type rosgraph_msgs/Log
******* ROS msg definition: rosgraph_msgs/Log
Header header
byte level
string name # name of the node
string msg # message
string file # file the message came from
string function # function the message came from
uint32 line # line the message came from
string[] topics # topic names that the node publishes
******* Parquet schema:
message rosgraph_msgs_Log {
required int64 seqno;
required int32 header_seq;
required int32 header_stamp_sec;
required int32 header_stamp_nsec;
required binary header_frame_id (UTF8);
required int32 level;
required binary name (UTF8);
required binary msg (UTF8);
required binary file (UTF8);
required binary function (UTF8);
required int32 line;
Wrote 23719 records to
$ ls -sh1
total 102M
102M blue_100M.bag
$ cd /tmp/blue_100M_parquet_dir.36/
$ ls -sh1
total 41M
108K can_bus_ros_version_CanBusMsgStamped.parquet
28K Connections.parquet
36K conversions_EncoderStamped.parquet
4.0K diagnostic_msgs_DiagnosticArray.parquet
4.0K dynamic_reconfigure_ConfigDescription.parquet
4.0K dynamic_reconfigure_Config.parquet
72K imu_3dm_gx4_FilterOutput.parquet
304K Messages.parquet
196K nav_msgs_Odometry.parquet
12K rosgraph_msgs_Log.parquet
12K sensor_msgs_CameraInfo.parquet
40M sensor_msgs_CompressedImage.parquet
20K sensor_msgs_FluidPressure.parquet
72K sensor_msgs_Imu.parquet
32K sensor_msgs_LaserScan.parquet
36K sensor_msgs_MagneticField.parquet
8.0K sensor_msgs_NavSatFix.parquet
80K serial_interface_SerialIntegerMsg.parquet
36K std_msgs_Float64.parquet
8.0K tf2_msgs_TFMessage.parquet
188K theora_image_transport_Packet.parquet
4.0K velodyne_msgs_VelodyneScan.parquet
28K vertica_load_tables.sql
- It parses all primitive ros message types.
- It parses out arbitrarily nested fields (as long as none of the elements in the path is an array)
- It keeps the raw blobs around for the rest, so you don't lose any data. The connections table keeps type information you can use to rebuild the msg type.
A bagfile contains message data as well as bag metadata. As shown above, we create two metadata tables (Messages and Connections) to hold bag metadata.
The messages table has an entry for every message in the bag.
The connections table holds most of the information stored in rosbag::ConnectionInfo objects.
We additionally create one parquet file per message type to store all messages
of that type. Each message on each table gets a unique seqno
that identifies
it with its original position within the bagfile.
- rosbag2parquet converts all rosmsg primitive types to parquet versions, including strings.
- rosbag2parquet traverses and flattens nested structs (eg Headers)
- rosbag2parquet skips array types of any kind (they get preserved as a blob, but are not flattened/queriable at the moment).
Feel free to request it if you need it, preferably with a python program we can run to make sure
the result from the .bag
looks just like the result from the .parquet
data, or better yet, submit a patch and test case.
The current implementation is not pipelined, profiling has shown there are IO-bound intervals followed by CPU bound intervals. The main CPU waste at the moment comes from the ros-introspection-library, which we are using to model datatypes.
- Replace the ros-type-introspection type representation with a lighter-weight one that can be queried easily at parse time and uses no strings.
- Allow us to leave heavy-weight objects (> 1 MB) in the bag itself, storing a pointer and compression state to remove chunk. This would allow us to not pay the price of copying that data.
- Asynchronously prefetch bag contents from storage (remove performance dependency on disk latency from the picture)
cmake should download the repo and handle this without extra inolvement.
See CMakefile. These will get found by cmake or reported at config time as failures. Ros kinetic is found this way. Ros type introspection is available in ubuntu.
- Boost Filesystem (there must be a cmake for this, right?)
- Google flags
- parquet-cpp 1.0 and apache arrow (you probably want to build this one from srouce. Arrow gets downloaded and built for it)
Lack of them will simply show up as compile/link errors. To satisfy them you need to make sure they are in well known paths or the right files show up in in CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH, LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Here's my bashrc change to have the pyarrow libraries:
# needed for the rosbag loader
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/orm/parquet-cpp/build/arrow_ep/src/arrow_ep-install/include/:/usr/local/include/:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH
export LIBRARY_PATH=/home/orm/parquet-cpp/build/arrow_ep/src/arrow_ep-install/lib/:/usr/local/lib/:$LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/orm/parquet-cpp/build/arrow_ep/src/arrow_ep-install/lib/:/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH