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Julian Dreykorn fcnjd
I'm currently studying computer science, music lover, and fan of #Linux, #CLI and #a11y


Matthieu Saussaye matthieusaussaye
Data Scientist - Unlocking Growth through AI @ Pulse Partners

Pulse Partners - Swiss Data Science Partners Lausanne

Chindriș Mihai Alexandru chindris-mihai-alexandru
IT Ops Pro @siemens. Blockchain aficionado. AI enthusiast

Siemens Romania Cluj-Napoca

Mootez Saad MootezSaaD

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Daniel Oliveira de Brito danielbrito91
Data scientist at @itau, MSc in water resources and environmental sanitation.

@itau Porto Alegre

Tessa Painter FlorianEagox
Ahoy There! I'm a blind developer building accessible software and putting fun at the forefront of everything I do! Seeking new employment!

@Lmco Memphis TN

Jan Smółka integraledelebesgue

AGH University of Science and Technology

Marco Visani mvisani
Mass Spectrometry, Natural Products and Machine Learning

University of Fribourg Fribourg

Alex Cecover
Expert Dumpster Diver
Ezequiel Juarez Garcia ejuarezg
Graduate student at the University of Florida.


I'm a resracher of machine learning and data mining, especially on optimization throey, multi-view clustering and deep clustering.

Academy of Military Sciences (AMS) Beijing

Wei-Hsuan Cheng wei-hsuan-cheng
MSc (biomechatronics engineering) at National Taiwan University (NTU). Control and robotics lover. Let's do geometric algebra in robotics!

Robots and Medical Mechatronics Lab (RMML), National Taiwan University (NTU) Taipei, Taiwan

Roberto Boghetti rboghe
Research assistant @idiap & EPFL

Idiap & EPFL Switzerland

Rohit Menon rohitmenon86
PhD Student at the Humanoid Robots Lab, Uni Bonn, Germany

University of Bonn Bonn

James JamesQian11
Size The Day!!

Fudan University Shanghai

Tolga F. Aktas TolgaAktas
Applied Scientist @microsoft Self- Supervised Learning, LLMs Former: MSc in Imaging Science @rit BSc in ECE @UofRochester


Akanksha Singh akankshasingh25

Department of EECS, IISER Bhopal Ranchi, Jharkhand

interested in slam, automated driving, 3D cv

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Michaël Defferrard mdeff
Research on machine learning and graphs. Open science, source, data.

EPFL Switzerland

cogitoErgoSum lif314
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!
Darya Baranouskaya darya-baranovskaya

Queen Mary Universito of London London

SilenceOverflow SilenceOverflow
Robotics / Computer Vision / SLAM

Bay Area

链栈 warrenween
blockchainer、bioinformatics、bitcoinist 、medscientist chengdu

Lieλ matheecs
Robotics Engineer