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Damien LaRocque IamPhytan
Computer Science Master Student Northern Robotics Laboratory. Quebec City, Canada

Northern Robotics Laboratory (@norlab-ulaval) Quebec City, Canada

Chen Kai Flawless1202

Tongji University Shanghai, China

ffricken ffricken
M.Sc. Mathematics, currently working at the Chair of Flight Guidance and Air Transportation at TU Berlin.


Annamalai RaMathuZen
Control Undergrad at NIT-T . SPIDER R&D(Robotics) @SpiderNitt . GNU/Linux User

Spider R&D Trichy, India

Kitamado Seasawher
I like mathematics and Lean language.


Ali Gürbüz aligurbu
Post-doctoral Research Fellow

Santa Clara University Mountain View, Ca

Jiayi Wang jjiayu
Developing the new species of the 21st Century --- Robots

@ipab-slmc Beijing, China

Inni Dynamics ManullangJihan

PT. Olsera Pratama Indonesia Medan City, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Junwoo Park Junupark
Aerospace Engineering, KAIST, Korea


Chen Feng simbaforrest
To make machine see and build!

New York University New York, NY

Ozan Pali ozanpali
Student at Istanbul Technical University - Control and Automation Engineering
zy zsz00
AI, database, julia


Rafael Kourdis rkourdis
University of Edinburgh
Minjae Jung keep9oing

UNIST Ulsan, Korea

Mikel Zhobro jotix16
PhD student in robot learning

Autonomous Learning @ University of Tuebingen

Lieλ matheecs
Robotics Engineer

CQU ➡️ UWM ➡️ XJTU ➡️ DR ➡️ UR

Stelios Tzelepis steltze


TangYu P1terQ
Robots must learn.

University of Science and Technology of China hefei

rhombicosidodecahedron_r RohanRajagopal
Generally develop computational models for Neuroscience
LiuQiang LiuQiangBlog
Robot Kinematics, Dynamics and Simulation; Motion Planning; Trajectory Generation; Collision Detection; 3D Model Rendering
