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How to install and setup HackedServer on Spigot and Bungeecord?

Getting started

Installing HackedServer on Spigot

For 1.17 and superior

First drop HackedServer.jar, HackedCore.jar and ProtocolLib to your /plugins/ folder and restart your server.

For older versions

First drop HackedServer.jar, HackedCore.jar to your /plugins/ folder and restart your server. You need to use the version 2.80.0 of HackedServer which can be downloaded here.

{% hint style="info" %} HackedServer has been tested with Spigot, CraftBukkit, PaperSpigot, TacoSpigot and Akarin {% endhint %}

If all goes well you should get something like this :

Installing HackedServer on Bungeecord

Start by installing HackedServer on every spigot servers as explained previously. Be sure that bungeecord is set to true in your spigot.yml configurations and ip_forward enabled in your bungeecord config.yml.

Then drop HackedServer.jar (it's the same jar as for spigot) to your bungeecord /plugins/ folder and restart it. There should be only a simple log saying that the plugin is well loaded since its main feature is fixing bungee incompatibility (it also brings some debug features):

{% hint style="info" %} If you are using a proxy like waterfall or travertine, setforge_support: false in config.yml {% endhint %}


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