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⃝ Awesome ORA

🌍 Overview

ORA is Ethereum's Trustless AI that enables AI on the blockchain.

This list focuses on the work related to the ORA ecosystem.

This includes the AI Oracle (OAO, Onchain AI Oracle) ecosystem, the ERC ecosystem co-authored by ORA, ZK Oracle ecosystem and other ORA contributions.

🤖 AI Oracle Ecosystem

A Collection of Projects Built on Onchain AI Oracle (OAO).


  • LlaMA 3: A state-of-the-art large language model for coding.
  • Stable Diffusion: A deep learning, text-to-image model released in 2022 based on diffusion techniques.
  • OpenLM: A performative language modeling (LM) repository, aimed to facilitate research on medium sized LMs.
  • OpenLM Chat and Score: Fine-tuned models based on OpenLM.
  • Grok: A generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by xAI, based on a large language model.


  • Prompt: A simple smart contract that uses OAO for LLM responses.
  • SimplePrompt: A simpler, event-only and gas-efficient smart contract that uses OAO for LLM responses.




  • ChatOLM: A decentralized, onchain, censorship-resistant, verifiable, and permissionless AI chatbot powered by onchain AI.
  • Humm Protocol: An AI-based protocol for AI ownership and monetization.
  • AI Intent Engine: An intent engine with OAO, leveraging onchain LlaMA2 to solve user intent in natural language into onchain actions (send, and swap). Also a fork called COCOA for cross-chain usage built during ETHTaipei.
  • Grok vs Llama: An Onchain AI vs Onchain AI project. In this project, LlaMA2 monitors whether Grok is in a Glitch state (related: AI Mirror Test), and if so, the user who initiated the AI request is rewarded with a bounty for finding Grok's "weakness". Built during ETHTaipei.
  • OAOFrame: A Farcaster Frame with fortune-telling powered by Onchain AI.


  • Lending Zone: A protocol for borrowing with NFTs as collateral and earning yield by lending assets, powered by AI valuations of NFTs.
  • AI NFT Bot: A pricing engine for NFT assisted with onchain AI. Built during ETHDenver.


  • 7007: An ERC-7007 based platform offering on-chain AIGC generation services and monetizing of AI Models.
  • Onchain AI NFT: An onchain AI NFT project utilizing AI Oracle's Stable Diffusion to generate image NFT directly onchain. Complete tutorial here.
  • OAOLimerick: An onchain AI Limerick NFT using AI Oracle's LlaMA2 for generating poet NFT directly onchain.
  • Graviola NFT: An onchain NFT collection with minimalistic portraits of fictional characters. Built during ETHDenver.
  • ABC-ORA: An ERC-7007 based AIGC music NFT project, using AI Oracle's LLM to generate music notes and mint the piece into NFT. Built during ETHTaipei.
  • PS 6: An AI-generated story NFT protocol. Built during ETHTaipei.



  • gonnx: A framework for converting ONNX to MLGO for better opML developer experience and AI Oracle model integration. Build during ETHTaipei.

💡 Project Ideas

Ideas to Build with AI Oracle or zkOracle.

ai/fi Ideas

ai/fi = AI + DeFi.

ai/fi is the fusion of AI (verifiable AI inference provided by Onchain AI Oracle) and DeFi.

The strategy to transform DeFi into ai/fi is simple: "identify the computationally intensive part of any DeFi protocol and replace it with AI."

Idea Implementation Existing DeFi Protocols to Add AI
AI Aggregator Aggregation with Best Swap Rate with AI 1inch, Paraswap
AI AMM (0) Dynamic Market Making Curves with AI Uniswap v3
AI AMM (1) CowSwap, but with AI as Order Filler Uniswap v3
AI Yield Yield Optimization with AI Convex, Yearn
AI Lending Lending of Any Asset with AI Aave, Compound
AI Stablecoin Stablecoin backed by Arbitrary Asset MakerDAO
AI Governance* AI Proposal Initiation, Review, Explainer Any Protocol with Governance
AI DAO AI-based DAO Management and Enforcement Any Protocol with DAO

Read more from ai/fi idea posts: 1, 2.

*: See recursive_llm_organization.

AI Oracle Ideas

Idea Model in ORA OAO (+ Other Tech Stack)
System Prompt Powered AI Model Any
Chat / GPTs with OAO LLM
Specific Agents (Fortune Teller, AI GF...) LLM
"Community Notes" with Onchain AI LLM
Predictor and Analyzer Any
Asset Pricing Financial Models
Simulation LLM or Application-Specific Models
Credit/Risk Analyzer LLM or Financial Models
Sentiment Analysis LLM or Application-Specific Models
Judge of Anything based on Rules* LLM
Trading Bot Wif MEV Financial Models (+ Flashbots SUAVE stack)
Aggregator Financial Models
"Point Guard" Financial Models
Copy-trading Financial Models
AIGC-NFT (Pure, Loot-style, Remixing) Text2Image or Text2Video Models (+ Prompt Engineering / Fine-tuning)
AI as Game Moderator LLM or Application-Specific Models
AI as Governor LLM or Application-Specific Models
AI as NPC LLM or Application-Specific Models
AI as Opponent LLM or Application-Specific Models
AI as Counterparty LLM or Application-Specific Models
Agent for Whale's Governance LLM or Application-Specific Models
Content Moderator LLM
Code Generator LLM
Security Gadget LLM or Application-Specific Models
Bring Your Own Model / (+ Use opML to Integrate New Models into OAO)
Rebuild Everything Any (+ Rebuild All Protocols with AI)

Read more from ORA's idea posts on AI Oracle: 1.

*: Based on InsORAnce idea, LLM can be a judge / verifier of anything. In InsORAnce, LLM judges if insurance should be paid out based on a protocol's hack (truth) and given rules defining a hack (pre-made template / rule). Actually, the truth and pre-made rule can also be: any onchain events (og wallet moves ETH), and even offchain event. So that the InsORAnce idea can be expanded to insurance for anything onchain + offchain.

Infra Ideas

Infra Ideas Details
Paymaster for OAO OAO fees are in $ETH. A paymaster can enable users to pay with $USDT to improve OAO's adoption.
Dashboard for OAO Data analysis or "mempool" dashboard* for OAO.
Interop for OAO Explore how OAO result from chain A can be used in chain B.
Optimized OAO Optimize OAO contract with Assembly, or other novel smart contract languages.
Fast Finalized OAO Explore how DApp with OAO's optimistic mechanism can be finalized faster with architecture like this
Scaffold-OAO Adapt Scaffold-Eth for OAO, so that devs can one-click initialize OAO AI DApp.

*: Existing data analysis dashboard for OAO by Gathin. Mempool dashboard can be similar to Ethernow, but only showing OAO-related transactions.

ERC Ecosystem co-authored by ORA


ERC-7007 is Verifiable AI-Generated Content Token, co-authored by @ORAProtocol team.

  • An ERC-721 extension that enables verifiable AI-generated content tokens using Zero-Knowledge (zkML) and Optimistic (opML) Machine Learning techniques.

For more details check official EIP post.


ERC-7641 is Intrinsic RevShare Token, authored by @ORAProtocol team.

  • An ERC-20 extension that integrates a revenue-sharing mechanism, ensuring tokens intrinsically represent a share of a communal revenue pool.

For more details check official EIP post.


ERC-6150 is a standard for Hierarchical NFTs, co-authored by @ORAProtocol team.

  • An ERC-721 extension for multi-layer filesystem-like hierarchical NFTs.

For more details check official EIP post.

🤖 ZK Oracle Ecosystem

For info about zk oracle ecosystem read zk-oracle page.

🔧 Other Contribution by ORA

ORA's Contribution to General Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto Space.

Researches & Development

World Supercomputer

Improvement Proposals

Open Grant Contribution