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Commercial sources

Donal Hunt edited this page Jan 17, 2020 · 35 revisions

This page lists potential commercial sources that could optionally be paired with the "open" data that OpenAddresses indexes.

(See also several tickets describing paid sources), which often allow commercial use and redistribution.

The sources listed here are generally NOT in OpenAddresses because they require a license and/or $$$.




  • Eircode was Ireland's first public database of unique identifiers for all addresses. The database is commercially licensed and does not currently have any open data exemptions.
  • GeoDirectory has a commercial database of addresses which they claim is the most comprehensive and accurate source of address and location information in Ireland.

New Zealand

  • New Zealand Post is a state-owned company that holds copyright over the link between addresses and postcodes. The CC-licensed address register maintained by LINZ (no postcodes) has already been imported as a source for this project. The license for those using the postcode file linked above is restrictive in that any re-use requires payment of a further fee to the original provider of the data, ie NZ Post.




United Kingdom

United States

NOTE: At least one of these is a paid source and does allow commercial use. This probably applies to most USA sources in this list. Verify!