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Sprint planning 23rd July

Pete Walker edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

Sprint 2


  • Prototyped UI with React
    • Deployed to Heroku
  • Moved schema definitions to separate repo
    • Added some simple documentation on how the model defs should be structured
    • Upgrade the model defs to latest 2.0 revision
    • Added eslint and some basic unit tests
  • Added support for inheritance of properties
    • Involved slight refactor of rules interface
  • Implemented 20 rules:
    • Check for fields prefixed with ext: as well as beta:
    • Lat / long format rule
    • Traversal of unknown object types
    • Check content is in predefined options
    • Check content matches required content
    • No null values
    • No empty arrays
    • No empty strings
    • Address fields should not have a trailing comma rule
    • Event must have isAccessibleForFree if has an offer that is zero, or superEvent with a price that is zero rule
    • Event offer should be offers rule
    • Event QuantitativeValue must have a minValue or maxValue rule
    • Event ageRange assumptions rule
    • Event should use activity from an activity list rule
    • Event will assume no gender restriction if the value is unknown rule
    • Event will assume no gender restriction if not specified rule
    • QuantitativeValue maxValue should be greater than (or equal to?) minValue rule
    • Schedule must include byDay, byMonth or byMonthDay rule
    • Event/Schedule duration must not be zero rule
    • Event/Schedule duration must be provided if startDate and endDate are present
  • Fixed bug of null value field
  • Added eslint to all projects



  • Are we planning to / can we publish these as NPM packages?
    • LD to create org for packages
  • activity-list - can we make this an NPM package?
    • PW to raise on backlog for discussion - possibly


  • How do we want to version it?
    • Answer: Fine to have own versions


  • Decimal precision
    • PW: Add notes to discussion
  • Telephone number validation? Any other missing formats?
    • Answer: Leave as is for now
  • Inheritance? Replace vs. append
    • Answer: Replace!
  • Nested arrays traversal?
    • Answer: Don't worry about it - maybe flag
  • What new rules?
    • Answer: Ask Nick / Luke to raise additional rules they would like. Will be added to backlog on LD's approval


  • Links to documentation? How does that work on a per-property basis?
    • Answer: Link to developer microsite - page for every type - link to type
  • Prettify behaviour - do we want a button?
    • Answer: Useful trigger? onPaste?
  • Local storage / sessionStorage
    • Answer: Reset / clear button - see -
  • Talked about existing Category filters:
    • Conformance
    • Data quality
    • Internal
    • Recommendation
  • Tool to output all rules and what they check
    • PW add to backlog
  • Share link / accept JSON doc as a URL
    • PW add to backlog
  • Header: align with developer microsite
    • Links
    • About page
    • PW add to backlog
  • Line:col jump not super obvious
    • Maybe default to the first error selected to show the distinction
    • PW add to backlog
  • Experiment with different versions of filtering
    • PW add to backlog
  • What version of the validator
    • PW add to backlog
  • Font size of ACE is small
    • PW add to backlog
  • Task: Update developer-microsite to use the new data-models
    • PW add to backlog
  • Style guide - make sure sizes match
    • PW add to backlog

Validator testing

  • Check that the data models aligns to the spec

  • Checks that the validator actually applies the rules correctly

  • LD - generate spec jsonld from data-models

  • PW - add to coverage sheet:

    • what's implemented / severity / category

Lower priorities

  • SPIKE: RPDE - taking X items off feed and validating them
    • Not validating the RPDE implementation
    • PW add to backlog
  • messages
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