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Version 14.0.0

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@RobbyTipton RobbyTipton released this 15 Jun 22:06
· 1494 commits to master since this release

New Features in Reactime v14.0.0

React Router Compatibility

Reactime is now compatible with React Router applications! Prior to Reactime 14.0, recording state snapshots as the user navigated across various routes was possible, but time travel debugging was only possible for the current route (i.e. jumping back to a prior state at a different route was not possible). In order to streamline debugging of applications with multiple routes, Reactime 14.0 added functionality that allows the user to time-travel back to different routes, including live updating in the browser to reflect the state of their application at that previously visited route.

Classifying State Snapshots by Route

The list of state snapshots in the Reactime dashboard is now classified by route to give the developer visual cues of the snapshot-route relationship and make time travel debugging of various routes easier.

Filtering Performance Metrics by Route

The Reactime dashboard includes a stacked bar graph showing render times for each component, with a separate bar stack for each snapshot. With Reactime 14.0, this composite bar graph can now be filtered by route to allow the developer to review detailed performance data by route.

Start Using v14.0.0 Right Now:

  1. Download and unzip
  2. Go to chrome://extensions/ and turn on developer mode.
  3. Click "Load Unpacked" and select the unzipped folder.
