This is a CLI-first Pastebin clone built on the Iron framework for Rust.
Being sick to the teeth with PHP and finding the various Python framworks (e.g. Django, Flask) unsatisfying, I was intrigued by the Rocket web framework for Rust. Mainly, I'm thinking that I really want a strongly-typed language and/or compiled language for web programming. I ran through Rocket's tutorial app, but found the framework lacking in many regards. So I took the opportunity to run through the same tutorial using Iron instead. I found this to be a far better experience.
So, to get a feel for the various frameworks that piqued my curiosity, I decided to implement this app in several different frameworks and languages:
- Rust using Iron (this repository)
- Rust using Nickel (TODO)
- Julia using whatever framework(s) may look interesting when I get there (TODO)
- ???
This application makes use of a number of aspects which aren't strictly necessary for a project this size (e.g. employs templates, staticfiles, form processing, etc.) because I want to get a feel for how building a real application feels.
It turns out that most of these frameworks are pretty immature, so I may end up having to implement various middleware (e.g. CSRF protection) myself. This will be interesting!