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An overview of Git's most common commands, and related notes (such as high-level architecture)

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44 Commits

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A summary of the main features of Git:

A Daily Routine

Command Action
git fetch origin [upstream-branch] Fetch all changes from the specified branch into the current branch
git merge origin/[upstream-branch] Merge all changes from the specified branch into the current branch
git branch [branch] Create a new branch, from the current branch, for your bug/feature/issue
git switch [branch] Switch to the new branch
Make the necessary changes
git add . Add any changed files to the staging index
git status See the current status of the workspace
git diff [source branch] [target branch] Show changes
git commit -m "message" Make the commit have a nice, detailed message
git branch -vv Display local branches and the remote branches to which they are mapped
git push [-u] origin/[upstream-branch] Push your changes to an upstream branch (-u = create the upstream branch into which changes will be pushed)
git request-pull [upstream-branch] origin [branch] Request review of latest changes in a branch compared to an upstream branch so that they can be pulled into the upstream branch
Note: typically, it is simpler to do this from a GUI tool!

Additional Commands


Command Action
git init Initialize the current folder as a repository
git clone [/path/to/repo] Clone a local repository
git clone [url] Clone a remote repository
git mv [file] Move a tracked file
git tag [tag] [commit ID] Create a tag
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline Display the git log


Command Action
git branch List local branches
git branch -a List both local and remote branches
git branch [branch] Create a new local branch
git branch -m [old-branch] [new-branch] Rename a local branch
git branch -d [branch] Delete a local branch
git branch -vv List all local branches and their mapped upstream branches


Command Action
git diff Display differences between the working area and the index
git diff HEAD Display differences between the working area and the HEAD
git diff --staged HEAD Display differences between the index and the HEAD
git diff -- [file] Display differences for a specific file between the working area and the HEAD
git diff ###### HEAD Display differences between a specific commit and the HEAD
git diff HEAD HEAD^ Display differences between the commit at the top of the HEAD and the preceeding commit
git diff ###### ###### Display differences between two commits
git diff [branch] origin/[branch] Display differences between the local branch and a remote branch


Command Action
git stash Save all uncommited changes (excluding untracked files) in the stash
git stash save [-u] ["text"] Save all uncommited changes (-u = including untracked files) in a stash with description "text"
git list Show the contents of the stash (note: each entry has a reference with format stash@{#})
git stash apply ["ref"] Restore the last stash (or the stash with reference "ref")
git stash drop ["ref"] Delete the last stash (or the stash with reference "ref")
git stash pop ["ref"] Restore the last stash (or the stash with reference "ref") and then delete it from the stash
git stash show ["ref"] Show the last stash (or the stash with reference "ref")
git stash clear Clear all stash entries


Command Action
git restore [filename] Restore working copy with latest from HEAD
git revert [commit ID] Rollback to the specified commit (preferred method for reverting a change)
git reset --soft [HEAD or commit ID] Discarding intervening commits.
Reset the HEAD to another commit but do not alter the index or working directory.
All changes between original HEAD and commit will be staged.
git reset --mixed [HEAD or commit ID] Discarding intervening commits and adds.
Reset the HEAD and index to another commit but do not alter the working directory.
All staged changes are removed from the index.
git reset --hard [HEAD or commit ID] Discarding intervening commits, adds and changes to files in local worksapce.
Reset the HEAD, index and workspace to another commit.
All changes between original HEAD and commit will be staged
Avoid using with shared repos.
git commit --amend Allow the message for the most recent commit to be edited

Cleaning Up

Command Action
git rm [file] Remove a tracked file from the repository and delete it
git branch -d [branch] Delete a local branch
git push -d origin [branch] Delete a remote branch - use with care!
git clean -n Perform a dry run of clean
git clean --force Clean all untracked files in the workspace
git clean --force -d Clean all untracked files and directories in the workspace
git clean --force -dx Clean all untracked and ignored files and directories in the workspace
git rebase [branch-name] Similar to merge but more dangerous in shared repos. Appends the current branch to the specified branch. Main advantage is cleaner history.


Command Action
git mv [file] Move a tracked file
git tag [tag] [commit ID] Create a tag
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline Display the git log

+ Enable SSH for GitHub
The main advantage of enabling SSH, rather than just using HTTPS, is that a username and password does not need to be entered for every action.
  1. Generate a new SSH key:
  2. Start the SSH agent:
    • eval $(ssh-agent -s)
  3. Add the private key to the SSH agent:
    • ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  4. Copy the contents of ~/.ssh/ (the public key) to the clipboard
  5. On, Profile Picture -> Settings -> SSH and GPG keys -> New SSH Key -> Paste the key into the Key field and give it an identifying name -> Add SSH Key
  6. Test the connection: ssh -T [email protected]
  7. Once access is working, restart all terminals and applications that may wish to use Git via SSH (such as Visual Studio Code).

Note: The SSH agent must be running whenever you want to use SSH (so you may want to add the start-up command to your OS's start-up routines).




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An overview of Git's most common commands, and related notes (such as high-level architecture)







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