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In this article, you'll learn the different ways of bypassing FunCaptcha.

Method #1: Bypass FunCaptcha with CAPTCHA Solver service

You can solve funCaptcha with CAPTCHA-resolving services. The solving services like NextCaptcha leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to decipher a wide array of captcha types, and the bypass the FunCaptcha fast and stable.

You'll solve the FunCaptcha demo on the NextCaptcha API documents to see how that works. Here's the unsolved CAPTCHA


To solve that with NextCaptcha, install the solver package using pip:

  pip install nextcaptcha-python

To start using the NextCaptcha Python SDK, you first need to obtain the API key (clientKey) from the NextCaptcha dashboard. Then you can then create a NextCaptchaAPI instance:

Sign up on the NextCaptcha website and copy your API key from your dashboard.

  from nextcaptcha import NextCaptchaAPI
  api = NextCaptchaAPI(client_key="YOUR_CLIENT_KEY")

You'll find the site key in the target website's HTML. or follwer this post  how to find sitekey from captcha services, and find it other way.

It's time to write your bypass FunCaptcha code.

  result = api.funcaptcha(website_url=WEBSITE_URL, website_public_key="WEBSITE_PUBLIC_KEY")

The code solves the FunCaptcha CAPTCHA successfully and returns a solved code, as shown:

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "ready",
    "solution": {
          "token": "98017b84e6d33af83.1206263802|r=us-west-2|meta=3|meta_width=558|meta_height=523|metabgclr=transparent|metaiconclr=%23555555|guitextcolor=%23000000|lang=en|pk=2CB16598-CB82-4CF7-B332-5990DB66F3AB|at=40|ag=101||||"
    "createTime": 1701234567890,
    "endTime": 1701234567890

That's it! You just solved a CAPTCHA with NextCaptcha.

Method #2: Rotate Premium Proxies

Proxy rotation can help bypass CAPTCHAs, but it's less effective than the two previous methods. Some websites limit the number of requests from every IP address and often spin a CAPTCHA for those that exceed their limits.

Rotating proxies helps mask your IP address and prevents the server from identifying the request source. Thus, you can scrape the web unnoticed and avoid runtime interruptions due to IP bans.

However, ensure you use premium proxies when dealing with CAPTCHAs because the free ones usually don't work. There are also many CAPTCHA-compatible proxies out there.


This article has highlighted the various techniques of bypassing FunCaptcha. You've learned to achieve this with a web scraping API, a CAPTCHA-solving service, and premium proxy rotation.

As mentioned, the best of the three is to use NextCaptcha APIs. NextCaptcha leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to decipher a wide array of captcha types, from simple text-based puzzles to complex image recognition tasks. This versatility ensures that users can navigate through websites without interruptions, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. Try NextCaptcha for free!

Email: [email protected]

