This is a package for use with ROS ( It was built using ROS Indigo and ROSSerial_Arduino on Ubuntu 14.04 and an Arduino Uno.
The purpose of this package is to read the values from a Wii Nunchuck controller using an Arduino, and to pass along the values as a ROS message.
It makes use of the WiiChuck.h library as copied from
This package includes a custom message type called WiiChuck which contains the following:
- uint8 joyX
- uint8 joyY
- bool buttonZ
- bool buttonC
- float32 accelX
- float32 accelY
- float32 accelZ
Edit the firmware/CMakeLists.txt to be the correct board and port for your application. Build the firmware with catkin_make ros_arduino_wiichuck_firmware_wiichuck Upload the firmware with catkin_make ros_arduino_wiichuck_firmware_wiichuck-upload
To see the output run the following in 3 terminals
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM1
rostopic echo chuck