Automatically scrapes wildbow's web serials and compiles them into ebooks
- Worm
- Pact
- Twig
- Glow-worm
- Ward
- Pale
- Claw
You'll need cargo installed. Run:
git clone && cd rust-wildbow-scraper
cargo install --path .
(On Ubuntu, see here for other distros)pkg-config
Run rust-wildbow-scraper --help
to view the list of commands:
rust-wildbow-scraper [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-a, --all Scrape them all?
-x, --claw Scrape Claw?
-g, --glow-worm Scrape Glow Worm?
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --pact Scrape Pact?
-l, --pale Scrape Pale?
-t, --twig Scrape Twig?
-V, --version Prints version information
-r, --ward Scrape Ward?
-w, --worm Scrape Worm?
-c, --covers <covers> Get covers? Default is to prompt for each book
-o, --output <output> Different output path? Default is present working directory
When scraping a book, it'll ask you if you want to include a cover. These are fanart covers and not made or associated with me in any way. The program automatically downloads them from other places and does not have them included.