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New Relic Kubernetes Agent Operator Init Container Releases

This repository contains init containers and GHA workflows for automatically releasing new Kubernetes Agent Operator agent init containers when a new version of a language agent becomes available.


Init containers published here are intended for use with the New Relic Kubernetes Agents Operator. See the Installation section for example use cases.

Image Tagging Conventions

Agent versions at New Relic either follow semver (eg. 1.2.3) or may contain an additional build number (eg. The example table below shows what Python Agent version would be pulled from various tags.

Image Tag Agent Version
latest The latest agent release
9 The latest 9.* release
9.10 The latest 9.10.* release
9.10.0 The latest init container build of agent version 9.10.0 The initial init container build of agent version 9.10.0

In this example, once the tag is published it will never be replaced. If a rebuilt container for agent version v9.10.0 is released, it will be published as, incrementing the init container build number.


Each Node.js container is only compatible with a single major version of Node.js. As a result, all Node.js agent versions are published as separate images with a Node.js version suffix. The latest tag and any tags without this suffix point to the latest supported major version of Node.js. For example:

Image Tag Node.js Major Version
latest Latest Supported (20)
11.19.0 Latest Supported (20)
11.19.0-nodejs20x 20
11.19.0-nodejs18x 18
11.19.0-nodejs16x 16

Local Testing

Under the tests/ folder, there is a Makefile for local building and testing of init container images.


  1. Docker
  2. minikube
  3. Helm
  4. GNU Make


  1. Specify environment variables with the language of the init container you wish to build locally, and your New Relic License Key.
  1. On the first test run, start the minikube cluster and all dependencies, and build the test app. A browser window will open if the deployment succeeds.
make -f tests/Makefile all
  1. On subsequent runs, rebuild just the init container and test app. A browser window will open if the deployment succeeds.
make -f tests/Makefile test

Step by Step

  1. Specify environment variables with the language of the init container you wish to build locally, and your New Relic License Key.
  1. Start a minikube cluster for local testing:
make -f tests/Makefile minikube
  1. Install cert-manager.
make -f tests/Makefile cert-manager
  1. Install the New Relic Kubernetes Agents Operator
make -f tests/Makefile operator
  1. Build a local copy of the init container in minikube.
make -f tests/Makefile build-initcontainer
  1. Build a local copy of the test app in minikube.
make -f tests/Makefile build-testapp
  1. Deploy the test app instrumented with the init container. A browser window will open if the deployment succeeds.
make -f tests/Makefile test

Releasing Old Versions

To release one or more old versions of the agent, follow these steps.

  1. Start with the oldest agent version that must be re-released. Do not publish another agent version until the previous one is available on Docker Hub, or tags may be overwritten.
  2. Navigate to the releases page and draft a new release.
  3. Decide on a new version number, which should be the agent version with an extra init container build number at the end. If .0 of the init container has already been released do NOT rerelease that version and instead increment it to .1 (or higher).
  4. Create a new tag from main with the format v<AGENT_VERSION>.<INITCONTAINER_BUILD_NUMBER>_<LANGUAGE> (eg. v9.11.0.1_python for the second build of Python Agent version v9.11.0).
  5. Name the release New Relic <LANGUAGE> Agent v<AGENT_VERSION>.<INITCONTAINER_BUILD_NUMBER> (eg. New Relic Python Agent v9.11.0.1).
  6. Publish the release, and wait for the GitHub Action workflow to publish the image to Docker Hub.

If the batch of old versions does not republish every agent version between the start of the batch and the newest agent version available on Docker Hub, then tags must be adjusted to fix conflicts.

  1. Adjust the latest tag and any existing tags that overlap with the published image. (See Fixing Docker Image Tags and the example below.)

Fixing Docker Image Tags

  1. Install Google's crane CLI tool.
brew install crane
  1. Identify any tags that should be replaced (eg. latest should point to v9.11.0.0 but does not).
  2. Use crane copy to "copy" an existing tagged image to another tag.
export IMAGE_NAME=newrelic/newrelic-python-init
crane copy $IMAGE_NAME: $IMAGE_NAME:latest

Note: This process overwrites an existing tag, correctly handling multi-architecture images, and does so without pulling images. It simply adjusts the manifests in Docker Hub which is significantly faster and safer than attempting to create new multi-architecture manifests by hand.


Republishing Python Agent v8.10.0 as init container when v8.10.1 through v9.11.0 are already published will overwrite the tags latest, 8 and 8.10. These tags should be corrected to point to the following:

  • latest -> v9.11.0, the newest agent version.
  • 8 -> v8.11.0, the newest 8.* version.
  • 8.10 -> v8.10.1, the newest 8.10.* version.

As a result, the following commands are run.

export IMAGE_NAME=newrelic/newrelic-python-init
crane copy $IMAGE_NAME: $IMAGE_NAME:latest
crane copy $IMAGE_NAME: $IMAGE_NAME:8
crane copy $IMAGE_NAME: $IMAGE_NAME:8.10

For agents with suffixes like -nodejs20x, significantly more tags will need to be overwritten (see image tagging conventions).


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If you have any questions, or to execute our corporate CLA (which is required if your contribution is on behalf of a company), drop us an email at [email protected].

A note about vulnerabilities

As noted in our security policy, New Relic is committed to the privacy and security of our customers and their data. We believe that providing coordinated disclosure by security researchers and engaging with the security community are important means to achieve our security goals.

If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in this project or any of New Relic's products or websites, we welcome and greatly appreciate you reporting it to New Relic through our bug bounty program.

If you would like to contribute to this project, review these guidelines.

To all contributors, we thank you! Without your contribution, this project would not be what it is today.


New Relic Kubernetes Agent Operator Init Container Releases is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. The New Relic Kubernetes Agent Operator Init Container Releases also uses source code from third-party libraries. You can find full details on which libraries are used and the terms under which they are licensed in the third-party notices document.