Git has won the source control battle for now, and it is a vital tool to learn for any developer today. Learn the basic commands and workflow in this lesson.
Make sure Git is installed and is available from the command line (
git --version
should not produce an error). Install Git if you do not already have it. -
A good text editor of your choice, such as Atom, SublimeText, or Visual Studio Code.
- Although you have this
file on your computer, it's easier to read it on GitHub with formatting. We therefore recommend you keep a web browser tab open with the exercise tasks. - Start by opening exercise 1.
- Remember to ask an instructor if you're stuck.
❗ Do not use a GUI client. Use the terminal/CLI only. You should not copy and paste content. Type it out manually. Remember to follow all the steps in the tutorial.
This repository contains a set of exercises organized in folders. Each folder contains a
describing the exercise.
✏️ - A task you should do
📖 - A section of text to read (no tasks, just information).
💡 - Additional information.
❗ - Something important.
❓ - Open-ended question for the reader ("What do you think would happen if...")
💩 - Bad practice (don't-do-this)
⭐ - A bonus task (not required)
Will look like this:
Emphasizes how lines of text should change.
- this text was removed
+ and replaced with this text