Deployed at
- Passwordless login
- Benutzerverwaltung
- Stammdatenverwaltung
- Berechtigungssystem
- Absenzenmanagement
- Liederverwaltung (inkl. Medien)
- Namen-Ratespiel
- Lookbook?
- Lieder anstimmen (evtl. sogar offline verfügbar?)
- Liederliste für Konzerte (Download aller relevanten Medien für ein Konzert für eine:n Benutzer:in)
This is a standard Rails 8 app. We're using all the current best practices (maybe apart from RSpec instead of Minitest).
These are the most important non-standard dependencies of the app:
- passwordless: For passwordless user login.
- arask: For running tasks regularly (updating calendar_events daily from the master Google calendar).
- tailwindcss: CSS framework.
- pundit: For authorization of all the features through user roles.
We aim to have a reasonable test coverage using these kinds of specs:
- features: high-level tests that simulate user interaction and test what the user can see
- models: low-level unit tests of individual methods in model classes
- helpers: same for helper methods
- mailers: same for mailers
- controllers: test individual controller actions
Run the specs with:
bundle exec rspec
TODO: Write about how to deploy this thing (kamal, S3).
TODO: Describe face script, import script.