This is base simulation for autonomus car projects using Yolov5 and OpenCV. This package tested in ROS2 Galactic. Package contains basic lane_tracking and yolov5 based scripts. Our team still devoloping the code i cant post the last version because we are getting ready for a COMPETATION make sure to fallow us.
This package tested in ROS2 Galactic but u can use it with other ROS2 distros after making minimal changes.
-> Create a workspace
mkdir -p ros2_ws/src
cd ros2_ws
colcon build
cd src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build
- Simply navigate to ../autonomus_car_sim_base_ros2/yolov5 directory and
pip install -r requirements.txt -> Some libraries may not install properly. Install them manually.
- create weights/ directory inside the package and add ur Yolov5 model. Here is a model that contains some of the traffic signs
This package has a car model, a race field and 17 traffic signs. Gazebo Sensors can't see gazebo models autside gazebo workspace, so to be able to see objects there are 2 options add gazebo model path to Gazebo Model Path using .bashrc (or equal) or add models into .gazebo folder located in Home. -> Navigate into ../autonomus_car_sim_base_ros2/gazebo_models directory and cut car_dae and models then paste them into .gazebo folder. -> Gazebo creates .gazebo folder autmatically after creating first model in Gazebo.
-> İnstall libraries if anyone missing :(
Open Three Terminals, one for simulation - one for lane_tracking and one for yolo
source the workspace on every terminal
source install/setup.bash
First launch the Sim
ros2 launch autonomus_car_sim_base_ros2
Start Yolo
ros2 run autonomus_car_sim_base_ros2
Start Lane Tracking
ros2 run autonomus_car_sim_base_ros2