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Aura (or AuraDS) Infra setup for hands-on sessions at Neo4j workshops (Neo4j Introduction, Data modeling, GDS and GenAI)

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Neo4j workshop Infra setup (Aura)

Aura (or AuraDS) Infra setup for hands-on sessions at Neo4j workshops (Neo4j Introduction, Data modeling, GDS and GenAI)

  1. Sign into Neo4j Aura Console (
  2. Create an Aura instance (eg: 2CPU/8GB) and import/restore the database from the dump file
    • AuraDS instances for GDS and GenAI workshops
    • Aura DB instances for Intro to Neo4j and data modeling workshops
  3. Once the instance is up and running, collect the following details
    • Tenant ID (Eg: "6e748720-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
    • Client ID and Client Secret (for Aura API access)
    • Instance ID for the new database (Eg: "44683a64")

Configuration parameters

  1. Modify "config.json" and add required parameters under the respective tasks

    • Supported tasks: create, clone, pause, resume, delete, status, list, snapshots


    dbname_prefix is used to refer to the instances created for this workshop. It is also used as reference for other tasks - status, pause, delete and resume. Update num_instances based on the requirements and also update other parameters as needed

        "dbname_prefix": "neo4j_wkshp", # prefix to use for all the newly created machines
        "num_instances": 4,
        "params": {
          "version": "5",
          "region": "europe-west1",
          "memory": "8GB",
          "type": "enterprise-ds",
          "cloud_provider": "gcp"


    dbname_prefix is used to refer to the cloned instances created for this workshop. source_instance_id and source_snapshot_date are required for creating clones from an existing instance. Keep the memory same as the source instance you created above.

          "dbname_prefix": "neo4j_wkshp", # prefix to use for all the newly created machines
          "num_instances": 4, # number of instances 
          "params": {
            "version": "5",
            "region": "europe-west1",
            "memory": "8GB",
            "type": "enterprise-ds",
            "cloud_provider": "gcp",
            "source_instance_id": "44683a64", # source instance for clones
            "source_snapshot_date": "2024-08-13", # update this with today's date or a specific date in the past
            "source_snapshot_id": ""

    If you know and plan to use a specific snapshot, update source_snapshot_id with that snapshot ID. Otherwise, leave it blank and the latest snapshot will be used.

            "source_snapshot_id": "86509b6a-1b56-4a37-a65e-ede480661a67"


    instance_idis required for getting a list of snapshots from an existing instance. snapshot_date is optional.

       "instance_id": "44683a64",
       "snapshot_date": "2024-08-13"


    Parameters are not mutually exclusive.

        "instance_ids": [], # specific instances
        "dbname_prefix":"neo4j_wkshp", # instance ids with names that starts with the prefix
        "exclude": [] # any instance IDs to exclude

Task Execution

  1. Open the terminal and run the below command for any supported task. Please make sure you have updated the required parameters under the task in config.json

    % python /path_to_folder/ <tenant_id> <client Id> <client secret> <task> --output /path_to_folder/csvfile.csv
    • Tenant ID (Eg: "6e748720-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")

    • Client ID and Client Secret (for Aura API access)

    • Instance ID for the new database (Eg: "44683a64")

    • When new instances are created or cloned, the credentials are written to the output CSV file. Output is written to "instances.csv" file by default if /path_to_folder/csvfile.csv is not specified.

    • Please save the file and or copy the credentials The file will be overwritten when you run the code for the second time.

Collect the credentials for newly created/cloned instances

If you are running a workshop, you will want readable passwords for printouts.

  1. Open the terminal and run the below command

     % python /path_to_folder/ /path_to_folder/csvfile.csv
    • input: output filename/path from step 4
    • output: csv with _readable_pw suffix added

Use after all of the instances are up and running to create and update login information. If you run this before the instances are running, you will get an Unable to retrieve routing information error

Generate workshop handouts

If you are running a workshop, you will want printed credentials to hand out for each participant.

  1. Open the terminal and run the below command

     % python /path_to_folder/ /path_to_folder/csvfile.csv
    • input: output filename/path from step 6 (csv with _readable_pw suffix added)
    • output: pdf with handouts prefix added

Print the handouts_csvfile_readable_pw.pdf and pass one page out to each participant at the workshop.


Aura (or AuraDS) Infra setup for hands-on sessions at Neo4j workshops (Neo4j Introduction, Data modeling, GDS and GenAI)






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