#Easy Store
The easy store is a web2py model for e-commerce and other store platforms. This app is meant to be simple, offering the most easy ways to get a store ready to use and sell products, but it does not concern the legal side of this proccess. If you really want an e-commerce, remember to make legal records for it to be regular and insert your own pages of Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
This store app is based on Massimo di Pierro's EStore (https://github.com/mdipierro/web2py-appliances/tree/master/EStore).
- Product registration
- Store data setup
- Shopping cart
- Paypal integration
- PagSeguro integration
- Moip integration
- NF-e integration (Brazilian tax collection system)
- Mode catalog
- Create a module system (to features, like facebook, payments, shipping, banners, etc.)
- Create a theme system
- Products Specifications
- Products Image Gallery
- Product Image Thumbnails
- Products Combinations
- Store Localization (taxes, taxes rules, currencies, translation, countries, etc.)
- Orders
- Multiple delivery addresses
- Users Reviews
- A most secure shopping cart
- Clone this repository inside your web2py applications folder
git clone https://github.com/juliarizza/easy_store
- Run web2py
python web2py.py
- Access /easy_store
- For the administrative interface, access /easy_store/adminpanel/index and enter username '[email protected]' and password 'admin'
Copyright (c) 2015 Júlia Rizza & licensed under The MIT License (MIT)