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Create an env file from AWS Secrets Manager.

Getting Started

Install npm package


yarn add @nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator


npm install --save @nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator

Set up AWS credentials

Please set credentials using AWS CLI.

The following is the setting procedure in MacOS.

  1. brew install awscli
  2. aws configure --profile YOUR_PROFILE_NAME
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: `YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`
Default region name [None]: ap-northeast-1
Default output format [None]: json

profile is optional parameter.

However, in that case please make sure that AWS-SDK can access SecretManager by some means.

For example, there are the following methods.

  • Set credentials for default profile.
  • Give access to SecretManager with IAM policy.

The access key must also have at least the following permissions.

  • secretsmanager:ListSecrets
  • secretsmanager:DescribeSecret
  • secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
  • kms:Decrypt

How To Use

Use With TypeScript

import { createEnvFile, EnvFileType, AwsRegion } from "@nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator";

(async () => {
  const params = {
    type: EnvFileType.dotenv,
    outputDir: "./",
    secretIds: ["dev/app"],
    profile: "nekochans-dev",
    region: AwsRegion.ap_northeast_1

  await createEnvFile(params);

.env is created in your current directory.

Use With JavaScript

(async () => {
  "use strict";

  const awsEnvCreator = require("@nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator");

  const params = {
    type: ".env",
    outputDir: "./",
    secretIds: ["dev/app"],
    profile: "nekochans-dev",
    region: "ap-northeast-1"

  await awsEnvCreator.createEnvFile(params);

.env is created in your current directory.

Set an environment variable with an arbitrary key name

Assume that the following information is registered in your AWS Secret Manager.

  "ANOTHER_API_KEY": "another_api_key",
  "ANOTHER_API_SECRET": "another_api_secret"

When this code is executed, .envrc is created with the following contents.

(async () => {
    const params = {
      type: EnvFileType.direnv,
      outputDir: "./",
      secretIds: ["dev/app"],
      profile: "nekochans-dev",
      region: AwsRegion.ap_northeast_1,
      keyMapping: {

    await createEnvFile(params);
export AWS_API_KEY=another_api_key
export AWS_API_SECRET=another_api_secret

Define the environment variable to output

When this code is executed, .envrc is created with the following contents.

(async () => {
    const params = {
      type: EnvFileType.direnv,
      outputDir: "./",
      secretIds: ["dev/app"],
      profile: "nekochans-dev",
      region: AwsRegion.ap_northeast_1,
      outputWhitelist: ["ANOTHER_API_KEY"],

    await createEnvFile(params);
export ANOTHER_API_KEY=another_api_key

Optionally set optional parameters

Use With TypeScript

import { createEnvFile, EnvFileType, AwsRegion } from "@nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator";

(async () => {
  const params = {
    type: EnvFileType.dotenv,
    outputDir: "./",
    secretIds: ["dev/app"],
    profile: "nekochans-dev",
    region: AwsRegion.ap_northeast_1,
    addParams: { APP_URL: "http://localhost/3000" }

  await createEnvFile(params);

Use With JavaScript

(async () => {
  "use strict";

  const awsEnvCreator = require("@nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator");

  const params = {
    type: ".env",
    outputDir: "./",
    secretIds: ["dev/app"],
    profile: "nekochans-dev",
    region: "ap-northeast-1",
    addParams: { APP_URL: "http://localhost/3000" }

  await awsEnvCreator.createEnvFile(params);

The following file will be output.

  "ANOTHER_API_KEY": "another_api_key",
  "ANOTHER_API_SECRET": "another_api_secret",
  "APP_URL": "http://localhost/3000"

create from AWS ParameterStore

You can generate env file from AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store.

For example, suppose that the following ParameterStore is registered.

key value
/dev/test-app/news/sendgrid-api-key DummySendGridAPIKEY0001
/dev/test-app/news/slack-token DummySlackToken0001

You need to specify parameterPath instead of secretIds.

import { createEnvFile, EnvFileType, AwsRegion } from "@nekonomokochan/aws-env-creator";

(async () => {
  const params = {
    type: EnvFileType.dotenv,
    outputDir: "./",
    parameterPath: "/dev/test-app/news",
    profile: "nekochans-dev",
    region: AwsRegion.ap_northeast_1

  await createEnvFile(params);

The contents of the created .env are as follows.


parameterPath and secretIds can be used together.

A description of the parameter

parameter description value
type The type of file to output Enum .env .envrc terraform.tfvars
outputDir Output path String
secretIds Your AWS Secrets Manager ID String[]
parameterPath Your AWS Parameter Store Path String
profile Your AWS CLI Credentials Name String
region The region where your AWS Secrets Manager is located String
outputWhitelist Output Parameters String[]
keyMapping Key Mapping Object Object
addParams Additional Parameters Object
outputFilename Use this when you want to change the output file name String




Create an env file from AWS Secrets Manager.







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