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MmCows: A Multimodal Dataset for Dairy Cattle Monitoring

Data Description:

This dataset includes two parts: data from wearable sensors and visual data from four cameras. The wearable sensor data is provide in The visual data includes multiple sets. The UWB-synced multi-view images for each day of the deployment are available in uwb_synced_images. The complete internet-time synchronized visual data is provided in video-format in 1s_interval_videos. In addition, high-resolution photos of individual cows are provided in

We also provide additional sets of data for benchmarking the dataset such as and

Download links:

  • (18 GB) 14-day data from wearable sensors
  • (20 GB) 15s-interval visual data on 7/25
  • uwb_synced_images: UWB-synced images throughout 14 days of the deployment with a sampling rate of 15s. Previews of the UWB-synced images are provided in combined-view_videos (3 GB/video/day).
  • 1s_interval_images: Internet-time synced frames throughout 14 days of the deployment with a sampling rate of 1s (55 GB/zip, 3 TB in total).
  • 1s_interval_images_3hr: A subset of 1s_interval_images on 7/25 from 12 PM to 3 PM with smaller file size (7.5 GB/zip, 30 GB in total).
  • High-res photos of cows from various angles for references
  • (13 GB) cropped bounding boxes of cows for the training of behavior classification, lying cow identification, and non-lying cow identification
  • (1 GB) Pre-trained weights of the vision models


Benchmarking of UWB-related models:

  1. Download and upzip and to separate folders
  2. Clone this directory:
    git clone
    In ./configs/path.yaml, modify sensor_data_dir and visual_data_dir to your local directories of the respective folders
  3. [Optional] Create a virtual environment using conda:
    conda create -n mmcows python=3.9
    conda activate mmcows
  4. Install all dependencies using python (3.8 or 3.11, idealy 3.9) before running the test:
    cd mmcows
    pip install -r requirements.txt

There are two options for benchmarking the dataset:

A. Test all models using the provided weights:

  1. Navigate to your local directory of this repo
  2. To evaluate the performance of the modalities
  3. To show the correlations between cows' behavior changes and THI thoughout the deployment

B. Train and test all models from scratch:

  1. Navigate to your local directory of this repo
  2. To evaluate the performance of the modalities
  3. To show the correlations between cows' behavior changes and THI thoughout the deployment


  • In the scripts, s1 = OS (object-wise split), s2 = TS (temporal split)

RGBs and RGBm benchmarking:

Sensor Data

Data of 14 days, from 12:30 PM 7/21 to 7:00 AM 8/04

Structure of

|-- main_data
|   |-- uwb
|   |-- immu
|   |   |-- acceleration
|   |   |-- magnetic
|   |-- pressure
|   |-- cbt
|   |-- ankle
|   |-- thi
|   |-- weather
|   |-- milk
|-- sub_data
|   |-- uwb_distance
|   |-- head_direction
|   |-- ankle_accel
|   |-- visual_location
|   |-- health_records
|-- behavior_labels
    |-- individual

Data description

Data Description Interval Duration
uwb 3D neck location of the cows computed from uwb_distance 15 s 14 d
immu Acceleration and magnetic at the neck of the cows 0.1 s 14 d
pressure Ambient air pressure at the cows' neck 0.1 s 14 d
cbt Core body temperature of the cow 60 s 14 d
ankle Lying behavior calculated from the ankle_accel 60 s 14 d
thi Indoor temperature, humidity, and THI around the pen 60 s 14 d
weather Outdoor weather collected by a near by weather station 300 s 14 d
milk Daily milk yield of each cow in kg 1 d 14 d
uwb_distance Distances from the tags to the anchors 15 s 14 d
head_direction Head direction calculated from the immu data 0.1 s 14 d
ankle_accel Ankle acceleration recorded by ankle sensors 60 s 14 d
visual_location 3D body location computed from the annotated visual data 15 s 1 d
health_records Health records of the cows - -
behavior_labels Manually annotated behavior labels of the cows 1 s 1 d

Vision-related and manually annotated data is available for all 16 cows, while data from wearable sensors is available for cow #1 to #10, which is represented by folders T01 to T10. The data of two stationary tags is provided in folders T13 and T14.

Time index format is unix timestamp. When converting unix timestamp to datetime, it needs to be converted to Central Daylight Time (CDT) which is 5 hours off from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

For UWB localization, the locations of eight stationary UWB anchors (in meters) are as follows:

  1. [-6.10, 5.13, 3.88]
  2. [0.00, 5.13, 4.04]
  3. [6.10, 5.13, 3.95]
  4. [-0.36, 0.00, 5.17]
  5. [0.36, 0.00, 5.17]
  6. [-6.10, -6.26, 5.47]
  7. [0.00, -6.26, 5.36]
  8. [6.10, -6.26, 5.49]

Annotated Visual Data annotated visual data of a single day 7/25

Structure of

|-- images
|-- labels
|   |-- standing
|   |-- lying
|   |-- combined
|-- proj_mat
|-- behavior_labels
|   |-- individual
|-- visual_location

Data description

Data Description Interval Duration
images UWB-syned isometric-view images where the other unrelated pens are masked out 15 s 1 d
labels Annotated cow ID and bbox of individual cows in each camera view, formated as [cow_id, x,y,w,h], normalized for the resolution of 4480x2800. Separated in three sets: standing (nonlying) cows only, lying cow only, or both standing and lying cows 15 s 1 d
proj_mat Matrices for projecting a 3D world location to a 2D pixel location - -
behavior_labels Manually annotated behavior labels of the cows 1 s 1 d
visual_location 3D locations of cow body derived from labels using visual localization 15 s 1 d

UWB-Synced Visual Data (15s interval)

uwb_synced_images: UWB-synced images throughout 14 days of the deployment with a sampling rate of 15s (15s_interval, 4.5k resolution, 14 days from from 12:30 PM 7/21 to 7:00 AM 8/04, 14 zips, 20k images/zip, 21GB/zip). The zip files should be unzipped and organized as follows:

|-- images
|   |-- 0721 (MMDD)
|   |   |-- cam_1 (containing 5760 images)
|   |   |-- cam_2
|   |   |-- cam_3
|   |   |-- cam_4
|   |-- 0722
|   |-- 0723
|   |-- ...
|   |-- 0803
|   |-- 0804
|-- proj_mat
    |-- 0721
    |-- ...
    |-- 0803
    |-- 0804
Data Description Interval Duration
images UWB-synced isometric-view images of 4 cameras without masking 15 s 14 d
proj_mat Matrices for projecting a 3D world location to a 2D pixel location 1 d 14 d

combined-view_videos: Footage of UWB-synced frames in a combined-view format throughout 14 days of the deployment (3 GB/video/day). These 4k videos represent the same data as in 1s_interval_images but at a lower sample rate of 15s intervals.

Complete Visual Data (1s interval)

1s_interval_images: Internet-time synced frames throughout 14 days of the deployment with a sampling rate of 1s (4.5k resolution, 14 day, 14x4 zips/videos). Each zip file is for one camera view in one day (55 GB/zip).

1s_interval_images_3hr: A subset of 1s_interval_images on 7/25 from 12 PM to 3 PM with smaller file size (7.5 GB/zip).


Please check this readme for more details about the visualization tools for MmCows, UWB localization, and visual localization.

Annotation Rules

Details of annotation rules for cow ID and behavior are provided in this online document. We used VGG Image Annotator (VIA) to annotate the cow ID. The VIA json files for lying, non-lying, and combined ID lables are available upon request.

The annotation of cow ID is visualized using multi camera views in this video (4k, 3.6 GB).


  title = {MmCows: A Multimodal Dataset for Dairy Cattle Monitoring},
  author = {Hien Vu and Omkar Prabhune and Unmesh Raskar and Dimuth Panditharatne and Hanwook Chung and Christopher Choi and Younghyun Kim},
  booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  year = {2024}

For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to reach out to Hien Vu at hienvu [at]