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GitHub action that can send a custom message to a Twitter account

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Github Action to send Twitter notifications


GitHub action that can send a custom message to a Twitter account.


Configure this action in your workflows providing the following inputs described below. The Twitter tokens can be obtained from the Twitter Developer Portal under your project.


input required description
message yes Message to post to Twitter.
twitter-app-key yes Consumer API key, available in the "Keys and tokens" section of your application in the Twitter Developer site.
twitter-app-secret yes Consumer API secret key, available in the "Keys and tokens" section of your application in the Twitter Developer site.
twitter-access-token yes Application access token, available in the "Keys and tokens" section of your application in the Twitter Developer site.
twitter-access-token-secret yes Application access token secret, available in the "Keys and tokens" section of your application in the Twitter Developer site.

Example usage

The example below runs when the release is published and also allows to trigger the action manually.

name: Notify twitter

    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: nearform-actions/github-action-notify-twitter@master
          message: |
            ${{ }} ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }} has been released. Check out the release notes: ${{ github.event.release.html_url }}
          twitter-app-key: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_APP_KEY }}
          twitter-app-secret: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_APP_SECRET }}
          twitter-access-token: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          twitter-access-token-secret: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET }}