This project explores various aspects of movies such as genres, ratings, director popularity, and release year trends. It also involves creating interactive dashboards for visualizing these trends and optionally recommending movies based on user preferences.
- Objective
- Project Overview
- Installation
- Data Collection
- Data Exploration
- Dashboard Creation
- Usage
- Contributing
- License
The project is designed to:
- Explore movie trends: Analyze movie genres, ratings, and the popularity of directors over time.
- Visualize insights: Use Power BI to create interactive dashboards that display movie-related trends.
- Recommendation system (optional): Suggest movies based on user preferences such as favorite genres or directors.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd movie-dataset-exploration
Install necessary Python libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up Power BI for dashboard creation.
- Movie Dataset: The data can be sourced from Kaggle or fetched using the TMDb API.
- Key information collected:
- Movie Titles
- Genres
- Ratings
- Directors
- Release Years
- Box Office Performance
- Tools:
- Python (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn)
- Exploration Goals:
- Analyze genre trends over time.
- Investigate ratings distribution.
- Study director popularity and their influence on ratings.
- Identify release year patterns and box office trends.
- Example insights:
- Most popular genres over time.
- Top-rated directors.
- Evolution of box office trends across decades.
- Tool: Power BI
- Interactive Dashboards:
- Visualize box office trends by genre.
- Recommend movies based on user-selected preferences such as genre or director.
- Display patterns in ratings distribution.
Run the Python scripts to explore and analyze the dataset:
Use Power BI to create and interact with the dashboards.
Contributions are welcome! Please fork this repository and submit a pull request for any feature or improvement suggestions.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.