A cron-able script that will mirror all repositories of central git hub (currently supports GitHub and GitLab).
- SSH keys deployed to the backup host machine.
- An API token for the target website.
- python 3 and git.
- see the environment.yml for python dependencies
A weekly backup of your GitLab initiated by the cron at 3am each Saturday would look something like this (assuming BackupHub.py is in your PATH):
0 3 * * 6 BackupHub.py --path ~/backup --token <your-gitlab-api-token> --website http://gitlab.com --move-aside --ignore-errors >> ~/backup/BackupHub.log
or for GitHub:
0 3 * * 6 BackupHub.py --path ~/backup --github --token <your-github-api-token> --move-aside --ignore-errors >> ~/backup/BackupHub.log