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It's a simple project to show how to use Quarkus with Kotlin.
In the project, I implemented a simple CRUD with a Postgres database with Panache (an overlay to Hibernate).
I test different relations between entities and I use the Panache repository to make the queries.


How to run in dev mode (basic)

Hot reload is enabled by default.

  • First run docker-compose to start the database and the adminer (pgadmin)

PgAdmin is a web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL. It run on port 5050. Access it with this url: http://localhost:5050

make docker-dev
# or docker-compose up -d
  • Then run the application

The application run on port 8080. Access it with this url: http://localhost:8080

make dev
# or ./gradlew quarkusDev 

In dev mode, Quarkus automatically rebuilds your application if you modify any of your source files. And you have access to the Dev UI on http://localhost:8080/q/dev/.

How to test with http requests

In ./requests folder you can find some requests to test the API.

How to build

Different options exist to build the application. The most basic one is to run the following command:

make build
# or ./gradlew build

For more options, see the Quarkus docs. Or check the Default Readme.

Hot to stop the application

  • Stop the application

Just press Ctrl + C in the terminal where you run the application.

  • Stop the database and the adminer
make docker-down
# or docker-compose down


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