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REST API Template

This REST API template is configured to be used with TypeScript and ES6.

Baked-in features

  • TypeScript support
  • ES6 support
  • MongoDB support
  • Built-in register / login system
  • Works with create-react-app frontend app (Under a "frontend" folder)
  • Morgan pre-installed (w/ tiny output)

Working routes

User register Route: POST - /api/user/register

Body: {name: String; email: String; password: String}

User login Route: POST - /api/user/login

Body: {email: String; password: String}

Installing the API

  1. Clone the repository
  2. npm i
  3. Create a .env file
  4. In the .env file, create the following entries:
    • MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_uri_here
    • PORT=your_port_of_choice
    • TOKEN=your_jwt_token_secret

Installing the front-end app

  1. Locate in the root folder of this app
  2. Type npx create-react-app frontend
  3. Open the package.json file of the frontend app
  4. Add the line "proxy": "http://localhost:8000" after Scripts

Running the app

You have two options available.

  1. Running the api individually with the command npm run server
  2. Running the app alongside a create-react-app application with Concurrently.

For this one is necesary to install the React application under a "frontend".

The npm run dev script will look for the frontend folder and execute the start script alongside the server script of the API.


I've added a function called createError(next, message, status?) that allows you to trow an error and be catched by the error handling capabilities of expressJs. Nothing too fancy but better than a bunch of try...catch blocks tied together

Questions? Bugs?

Find me at [email protected] or at my LinkedIn Profile

Created by Exequiel Mleziva - 2020


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