Example of code that helps print out all the functions for a JS Array. This helps me memorize all the functions with a mnemonic.
Ray("at", ["at"], 9725);
Ray("flat", ["flat", "map", "flatMap"], function(treasure) { treasure });
Ray("forEach2", ["forEach", "find", "filter"], function(lightSaber) { lightSaber });
Ray("indexOf", ["indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "findIndex"], function(finger) { finger});
Ray("pop", ["pop", "slice", "splice"], function(watermelon) { watermelon });
Ray("push", ["push", "unshift", "concat"], function(kitty) { kitty });
Ray("shift", ["shift", "reduce", "reduceRight"], function(speed) { speed });
Ray("some", ["some", "includes", "every"], function(inclusive) { inclusive });
Ray("sort", ["sort", "fill", "every"], function(worry) { worry });
Ray("joinToLocaleString", ["toLocaleString", "join", "toString"], function(party) { party });
Ray("values2", ["values", "entries", "keys"], function(bedVals) { bedVals });
Jordan Harb (Leader in NodeJS and Open Source) came up with an approach on how to categorize mutating methods versus non-mutating which relates to JS's ability to be a great functional programming language as in the style "functional programming".