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Oasisdex - MetaMask automation with Protractor and Java script

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"Oasisdex" with Chrome extension "MetaMask"

This project is an example of how to Use Chrome extension MetaMask with Protractor

Project Description:

  • Project setup with Protractor version 5.1.2.
  • Makes use of Page Objects.
  • Written in Typescript, compiled to ES5 Javascript.
  • Page Object classes are in the ./pages directory and should inherit from basePage.po.
  • Specs scripts are in the ./specs directory, grouped into directory by page or functionality.
  • Mock data (eg usernames and pws) are in ./data directory.
  • Utility functions are in ./utils directory.
  • If changing file names or deleting files, delete the tmp directory, which contains previously compiled Typescript files. It only updates existing files/adds new ones and doesn't delete ones that don't exist in Typescript anymore.


  • Install Node (v6.x.x or later)
  • Follow setup steps described here
  • npm install to install the project dependencies
  • In a separate command line window, run webdriver-manager start and keep it running.

Run tests:

  • npm run test Run tests using Chrome browser.