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Server Side Rendering of Web Components

This project is a proof-of-concept for server-side rendering of Polymer web components using an Electron server. Server-side rendering of web components provides several benefits, including faster initial load time, indexability of the web components for SEO purposes, and exposure of their content for content previews.


The server currently has three approaches for the rendering. The first approach deals with documents that use Polymer's shady DOM. The second approach is for documents that use native shadow DOM. The third is a hybrid approach that first sends down Shady CSS and later upgrades the custom elements to use shadow DOM. This approach was inspired by issues encountered in the other two.



Before setting up, install Node.js and npm.

Install Electron:

npm install electron --save-dev

or globally:

npm install -g electron

Install Bower:

npm install bower

Clone the project:

git clone [email protected]:namchid/Electron-SSR-Web-Components.git

Manual Configurations

Note: This is not recommended when setting up the server environment for the first time. Instead, skip to the Guided Configurations subsection below.

Install/update packages for Polymer and Node. Note: This step will set up server dependencies, but not download example tests; see Guided Configurations below.

bower update
npm update

Optionally, use a modified, unoffical version Polymer 1.0 does not attach multiple shadow roots. If you do not want to do that at this time, skip to Running the Server.

Check out Polymer:

git clone

Create a symlink for the downloaded Polymer folder:

npm link polymer/@polymer/polymer

Replace the Polymer shadow.html file:

mv _modified_polymer_shadow.html polymer/node_modules/\@polymer/polymer/src/mini/shadow.html

Replace paths in bower_components. Note: If this file has been changed, modify it manually or redownload it from this repository.

java BowerToNPM -s < _default_bower_to_npm_inputs.txt

Guided Configurations

Note: This is the alternative to the Manual Configurations subsection above. The runme and BowerToNPM class are designed for macOS and Linux-based systems (sorry, Windows users). If you have already followed the steps above, you can still run this to choose your settings.

Execute the runme script to install Polymer and Node packages (same as previous step) and download files for testing:

./runme -h

By default, executing the runme will update Bower components and node modules. It will NOT download examples or use the modified Polymer version. To do so, use the following flags and follow instructions:

./runme -pe

Running the Server

electron .

If all the dependencies are present and this project is configured correctly, you should see something like this in the console:

Shady ngrok url:
Shadow ngrok url:

These are URLs randomly generated by ngrok for secure tunneling of locally hosted servers. See the Testing Server Performance section below for more details, or visit the ngrok repository.

Viewing the Results

Executing the runme will automatically download some test cases. The test cases that use shady DOM follow the naming format index[0-9]*.html; ones that use shadow DOM follow the naming format of index[0-9]*shadow.html.

To see the server-rendered results, navigate to the browser. For server-rendered pages that use shady DOM, go to port 3000. For pages that use shadow DOM, go to port 4000. Alternatively, you can use to one of the corresponding, generated [ngrok] URLs logged in the console.



Adding Custom Test Cases

Documents that use shady DOM must follow this naming convention: index[0-9]*.html. Those that use shadow DOM must follow this naming convention: index[0-9]*shadow.html. When adding additional test cases, add the index or main HTML files to root directory. Add all other files in the src folder.

If you prefer a different naming scheme or directory structure, add or modify the routes in _server.js.

Testing Server Performance

One way to test the performance of this server is through WebpageTest. Because ngrok exposes the server to the Internet, you can use the generated ngrok URL followed by the name of the file to test.

Additional Notes

Parts of the JavaScript code executed on the server for serving documents that use shadow DOM are adapted from Kevin Schaaf's WC-SSR.

At the moment there are separate routes for rendering pages with shady and shadow DOM (see the Viewing the Results subsection under the Setup section). Eventually,

The hybrid version mentioned in Overview is currently not hooked in, but it is easy to do so by adding another route in _server.js.

This project works best on Chrome. Compatibility in other browsers is not assured.

Related Links

For more backgorund on this project, read web components and the Polymer library.