- cd /Directory of program.
- Compile using g++ (e.g g++ server.cpp, g++ client.cpp -o client).
- ./(server executable name) Note: server must be executed and set up first.
- User will be prompted first by server for input file name (must be in same directory) e.g Salaries.txt
- Will be prompted again to enter a port number, which will used by the server to connect to the server.
- Server should be up and looking for any connecting clients.
- ./(client executable filename) execute the client file you compiled.
- User will be prompted for a hostname. Note: use localhost if running locally on your own machine.
- User will be prompted for a Port # to connect to, which must match the Port number you entered for your server.
- Once successfully connected, you will be prompted for a Major. Client will send the server a message containing your input.
- Server will check to see if there is a match and will return the salaries, else it will tell you ‘Not found’ if not.
- Client will close and the Server will keep running.