is a simple CLI tool for DNS-LG API
dns a github.com
"question": [
"name": "github.com.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN"
"answer": [
"name": "github.com.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN",
"ttl": 60,
"rdlength": 4,
"rdata": ""
Linux amd64:
wget https://github.com/mxssl/dns/releases/download/1.0.7/dns_linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar zvxf dns_linux_amd64.tar.gz
mv dns /usr/local/bin/dns
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dns
rm dns_linux_amd64.tar.gz
MacOS amd64:
wget https://github.com/mxssl/dns/releases/download/1.0.7/dns_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
tar zvxf dns_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
mv dns /usr/local/bin/dns
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dns
rm dns_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
MacOS arm64:
wget https://github.com/mxssl/dns/releases/download/1.0.7/dns_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
tar zvxf dns_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
mv dns /usr/local/bin/dns
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dns
rm dns_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
dns is a CLI for DNS-LG API.
dns [command]
Available Commands:
a Get Host Address (A records)
aaaa Get IPv6 Host Address (AAAA records)
cert Get Certificate (CERT records)
cname Get Canonical Name (CNAME records)
dhcid Get DHCP Identifier (DHCID records)
dlv Get DNSSEC Lookaside Validation record (DLV records)
dname Get Delegation name (DNAME records)
dnskey Get DNS Key record (DNSKEY records)
ds Get Delegation Signer (DS records)
help Help about any command
hinfo Get Host Information (HINFO records)
hip Get Host Identity Protocol (HIP records)
ipseckey Get IPSec Key (IPSECKEY records)
kx Get Key eXchanger record (KX records)
loc Get Location record (LOC records)
mx Get Mail Exchange record (MX records)
naptr Get Name Authority Pointer (NAPTR records)
ns Get Name Servers (NS records)
nsec Get Next-Secure record (NSEC records)
nsec3 Get NSEC record version 3 (NSEC3 records)
nsec3param Get NSEC3 parameters (NSEC3PARAM records)
opt Get Option record (OPT records)
ptr Get Pointer record (PTR records)
rptr4 Get reverse (PTR) record from IPv4 addresses
rptr6 Get reverse (PTR) record from IPv4 addresses
rrsig Get Resource Records Signature (RRSIG records)
soa Get Start of Authority (SOA record)
spf Get Sender Policy Framework (SPF records)
srv Get Service Locator (SRV records)
sshfp Get SSH Public Key Fingerprint (SSHFP records)
ta Get DNSSEC Trust Authorities (TA records)
talink Get Trust Anchor LINK (TALINK records)
tlsa Get TLSA records
txt Get Text record (TXT records)
-h, --help help for dns
--raw Raw output without color
-r, --resolver string Choice dns resolver (default "google1")
Use "dns [command] --help" for more information about a command
dns a go.dev
"question": [
"name": "go.dev.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN"
"answer": [
"name": "go.dev.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN",
"ttl": 300,
"rdlength": 4,
"rdata": ""
"name": "go.dev.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN",
"ttl": 300,
"rdlength": 4,
"rdata": ""
"name": "go.dev.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN",
"ttl": 300,
"rdlength": 4,
"rdata": ""
"name": "go.dev.",
"type": "A",
"class": "IN",
"ttl": 300,
"rdlength": 4,
"rdata": ""
is used by default
You can use these resolvers:
Name | IP |
cloudflare | |
google1 | |
google2 | |
he | |
opendns1 | |
opendns2 | |
quad9 | |
docker container \
run \
--rm \
mxssl/dns:1.0.5 \
dns a golang.com
Mage is used as an alternative to make
mage -l
build the app
clean delete compiled binary
dockerBuild build container with latest tag
dockerRelease build and push container to the registry
dockerTestRun test run latest container
gitHubRelease run goreleaser
gitHubReleaseDryRun goreleaser dry run
lint the app