Winderoo is open source firmware which adds smart functionality to your OSWW build or microcontroller equipped watch winder. Smart functionality includes a Web UI (fully-translated in 5 languages!), OLED screen support, start timer, and more!
OSWW is an open source modular watch winder, which you can read more about on GitHub or Printables.
- Settable RPD (rotations per day) between 100 - 960rpd
- Single direction (clockwise / anti-clockwise) or bi-directional winding.
- Settable start time. Have it wind while you're asleep, or while you're away, or anytime for that matter.
- Manual cycle start / stop.
- 3 seconds of rest after 3 minutes of rotation, in every mode.
- Estimated cycle duration (how long it'll take to wind your watch).
- Cycle progress display (how far along the current winding routine is).
- Software or optional physical button to trigger ON/OFF state, so you can disable the winder completely.
- OLED screen support
- Simple setup. Flash the firmware and File System with a few clicks, then connect your phone (or other device) to the winder's setup wifi network & add it to your home network.
- There's no app required! You control it from a web browser.
- Minimal electronics / programming experience required
- Web UI is fully translated into 5 languages (more are welcome!)
- You must replace the Pi Pico, as spec'd in the OSWW build guide, with an ESP32. This project will not run on a Pi Pico!
This project is an add-on to your already built Open Source Watch Winder (OSWW)
- Visual Studio Code
- PlatformIO
- Note: the "extensions" button has changed since Platformio has created their install guide. You can access the extensions pane with the following key combinations:
- Windows: Ctrl+Shift+X
- macOS: Command+Shift+X
- Note: the "extensions" button has changed since Platformio has created their install guide. You can access the extensions pane with the following key combinations:
- You may or may not need these drivers, but some 'knock off' ESP32 dev boards require them.
- CP210x Drivers
- If the CP210x drivers don't work: CH340 Drivers
This project welcomes contributions. Please follow the regular git workflow; fork + PR to contribute.
Winderoo has multi-language support, and we welcome adding more languages.
To add another language:
- Duplicate one of the current localizations, and translate the text:
stores the current localizations.
- Add a new language menu item here to enable your language:
- Open a Pull Request
- Angular with Angular Material
- Frontend Readme
- C++ based API with mDns, a web server, local file system, and a bunch of other things.
The API has 4 endpoints. You can explore them in the attached Open API definition.