Same examples from RabbitMQ, but tested with Apache qpid-j broker.
A set of little modified samples from RabbitMQ tutorial checked with Apache QPID-J broker.
First you need to install and run Apache Qpid-J broker either from site or from git repository. Then you need do some configuration tasks. Unfortunately amqp 0-9-1 does not support any of SASL auth mechainsms but PLAIN. By default PLAIN mechaism is not configured in Qpid-J. So you need to find "authenticationproviders" section and add
"secureOnlyMechanisms" : []
to all provider(s) you plan to use with AMQP protocol listener.
In fact I think this code will work with any MQ broker that support AMQP-0.9 (e.g. RabbitMQ) too.
To run the tutorial code first you need to install all neccessary libraries. Just type
npm install
and then you can run any scripts by typing (in bash)
or (both in bash and windows console)
node ./send.js
A "Hello World" example, with one script sending a message to a queue, and another receiving messages from the same queue.
More sophisticated example. Multiple worker
process will share the
tasks among them. Mocking the long-time tasks executions.
Using MQ broker as a broadcast mechanism.
Using MQ broker as a router (somecast).
Extend previous tutorial to using wildcards.
Remote procedure call pattern with MQ broker
I slightly modified original RabbitMQ tutorial code.