Currently the existing apis are too outdated. For example:
- The official python API, which you can install via
pip install rocketmq-client-python
, is for RocketMQ 2.0 and below, and does not support PullConsumer. - An unofficial python API written by messense, which you can install via
pip install rocketmq
, wraps the same cpp dynamic libraries as the official API, does not support RocketMQ 4.0+ either. - The official cpp API now has v5.0-rc1 version, but does not provide pre-compiled binaries, which means you have to compile the project your self. If you're not familiar bazel tool and cpp class export, it may be a little difficult.
- It's developed and tested on RocketMQ 4.0+, so it supports many recent features. For example, custom queue selector when producing messages, custom message selector by tag/sql when consuming messages, etc.
- It exposes the java API as it is as possible, via JPype. You can directly reference the java doc in most cases.
- The get method of any java class are wrapped as property of the coresponding python class. For example, calling
in java is equivalent to callingmsg.topic
in python.
- Download RocketMQ binary release, for example:
- Extract it to somewhere as you like, for example: /path/to/rocketmq-all-4.3.2-bin-release
- Install pyrocketmq via pip:
pip install pyrocketmq
- Make sure the jvm is started BEFORE you import and use pyrocketmq, for example:
import jpype
import jpype.imports
from pyrocketmq import *
# do something
import json
from pyrocketmq.common.message import Message
from pyrocketmq.client.producer import Producer, SendStatus
pr = Producer('test_producer')
body = json.dumps({'name':'Alice', 'age':1}).encode('utf-8')
msg = Message(topic='test_topic', body=body, tags='girl')
# send, tcp-like, return sendStatus
sr = pr.send(msg)
assert(sr.sendStatus == SendStatus.SEND_OK)
import json
from pyrocketmq.client.consumer.consumer import PullConsumer, PullStatus
cs = PullConsumer('test_pull_consumer')
topic = 'test_topic'
# pull messages from each queue
mqs = cs.fetchSubscribeMessageQueues(topic)
for mq in mqs:
ofs = cs.minOffset(mq)
pr = cs.pull(mq, subExpression='girl', offset=ofs, maxNums=1)
if pr.pullStatus == PullStatus.FOUND:
# iterate msg in pull result
for msg in pr:
import json
import time
from typing import List
from pyrocketmq.client.consumer.listener import ConsumeConcurrentlyContext, ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus, MessageListenerConcurrently
from pyrocketmq.client.consumer.consumer import MessageSelector, PushConsumer
from pyrocketmq.common.common import ConsumeFromWhere
from pyrocketmq.common.message import MessageExt
# subclass MessageListenerConcurrently to write your own consume action
class MyMessageListenerConcurrently(MessageListenerConcurrently):
def _consumeMessage(self, msgs:List[MessageExt], context:ConsumeConcurrentlyContext) -> ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus:
print('Concurrently', context.ackIndex)
for msg in msgs:
return ConsumeConcurrentlyStatus.CONSUME_SUCCESS
cs = PushConsumer('test_push_consumer')
selector = MessageSelector.byTag('girl')
ml = MyMessageListenerConcurrently()
cs.subscribe('test_topic', selector)