Solutions of Logic in Computer Science problems in Prolog. Following are descriptions of implemented programs
Implemention of the insertion sort, isort(X, Y), where X is a list of integers and Y is the result of sorting X.
Implemention of the selection sort, ssort(X, Y), where X is a list of integers and Y is the result of sorting X.
Implementation of a Prolog program which converts a propositional formula into CNF. That is, provide an implementation of transCNF(X, Y) in Prolog, where X is a propositional formula and Y is the CNF equivalent formula to X.
Suppose the program M is written as a fact in Prolog format:
[l(1, sub1(x, 5)),
l(2, add1(y)),
l(3, add1(y)),
l(4, goto(1)),
l(5, sub1(y, 8)),
l(6, add1(x)),
l(7, goto(5)),
l(8, end)]).
Implementation of a Proglog program which takes the program M as input, and generates the clauses in Prolog format for the negation of the formula SM as follows: prob3 :- programM(X), generate(X). where generate(X) will print out the clauses in Prolog format. Output can be compared with the prolog program in