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Blog | Laravel


Table of Contents


  • Laravel Blog system with basic CRUD.
  • You should develop a simple Laravel Blog
  • It should be backed by a SQL database, SQL Lite is sufficient
  • Create a User model with authentication functionality;
  • As a User, I should be able to login
  • As a User, I should be able to register
  • Create a Post model, containing at minimum; title and content properties
  • Implement CRUD functions for the Post model
  • Create the necessary functions and pages/ui for each CRUD operation, ensuring that certain behaviors require authentication/authorization :
  • Posts list page
  • Post detail page
  • Create Post page (requires authentication)
  • Delete Post button/action (requires authentication)
  • Edit Post page (requires authentication)
  • You should create a database seeder that will seed the database with at least one Post and one User

System Requirements

  • PHP > 7.2
  • PHP Extensions: PDO, cURL, Bcmath, Mcrypt, XML, GD
  • Node.js > 6.0
  • Composer > 1.0.0
  • Laravel > 6.x
  • MySql > 14.0
  • Apache > 2.4

Software Used

  • Laravel 6.20.5
  • Bootstrap v4.5.3
  • Composer v2.0.7
  • jQuery
  • CSS


Clone blog repository

$ git clone

Change into the working directory

$ cd blog

Copy .env.example to .env and modify according to your environment

$ cp .env.example .env

Install composer dependencies

$ composer install --prefer-dist

Install node dependencies

$ npm install

Change folder permissions according to your environment

$ chown -R $USER:$USER storage && chown -R $USER:$USER vendor && chown -R $USER:$USER public && chown -R $USER:$USER node_modules && chown -R $USER:$USER bootstrap/cache && chmod -R 775 storage bootstrap/cache && chmod -R 775 storage public

An application key can be generated with the command

$ php artisan key:generate

Run these commands to create the tables within the defined database and populate seed data

$ php artisan migrate --seed

Bugs and Feedback

For bugs, questions and discussions please email me at [email protected].


Blog Posts | Basic CRUD







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