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Code Companion & Notes for Second Edition (Scala 3)

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Functional Programming in Scala

Code Companion & Notes for Second Edition using Scala 3

Part One: Introduction to functional programming
  Chapter 01: What is Functional Programming
  Chapter 02: Getting started with FP in Scala
  Chapter 03: Functional data structures
  Chapter 04: Handling errors without exceptions
  Chapter 05: Strictness and laziness
  Chapter 06: Purely functional state

Part Two: Functional design and combinator libraries
  Chapter 07: Purely functional parallelism
  Chapter 08: Property-based testing
  Chapter 09: Parser combinators

Part 3. Common structures in functional design
  Chapter 10: Monoids
  Chapter 11: Monads
  Chapter 12: Applicative and traversable functors

Part One: Introduction to functional programming

Chapter 01: What is Functional Programming

  • Functional programming is the construction of programs using only pure functions—functions that do not have side effects.

  • A side effect is something a function does aside from simply returning a result.

    If (impure) function with side-effects is memoised, it will not perform its side-effect on consecutive calls as in the following code.

    import scala.collection.mutable
    val memoizedAddOne = Memoized.of(impureAddOne)
    def impureAddOne(n: Int): Int = {
      println(s"Got $n")
      n + 1
    class Memoized[A, B] private (f: A => B) {
      private var storage: mutable.Map[A, B] = mutable.Map.empty
      def apply(a: A): B = storage.get(a) match {
        case Some(value) => value
        case None =>
          val b = f(a)
          storage.addOne(a -> b)
    object Memoized {
      def of[A, B](f: A => B): Memoized[A, B] = new Memoized(f)
    memoizedAddOne(1) // prints "Got 1"
    memoizedAddOne(1) // doesn't print anything 
  • Examples of side effects include modifying a field on an object, throwing an exception, and accessing the network or file system.

  • Functional programming constrains the way we write programs but does not limit our expressive power.

  • Side effects limit our ability to understand, compose, test, and refactor parts of our programs.

  • Moving side effects to the outer edges of our program results in a pure core and thin outer layer, which handles effects and results in better testability.

  • Referential transparency defines whether an expression is pure or contains side effects.

  • The substitution model provides a way to test whether an expression is referentially transparent.

  • Functional programming enables local reasoning and allows the embedding of smaller programs within larger programs.

Chapter 02: Getting started with FP in Scala

  • Scala is a mixed paradigm language, blending concepts from both objected-oriented programming and functional programming.
  • The object keyword creates a new singleton type. Objects contain members such as method definitions, values, and additional objects.
  • Scala supports top-level definitions, but objects provide a convenient way to group related definitions.
  • Methods are defined with the def keyword.
  • The definition of a method can be a single expression or a block with multiple statements.
  • Method definitions can contain local definitions, such as nested methods.
  • The result of a method is the value of its right-hand side. There’s no need for an explicit return statement.
  • The @main annotation defines an entry point of a program.
  • The Unit type serves a similar purpose to void in C and Java. There’s one value of the Unit type, which is written as ().
  • The import keyword allows us to reference the members of a namespace (that is, an object or package) without writing out their fully qualified names.
  • Recursive functions allow the expression of looping without mutation. All loops can be rewritten as recursive functions and vice versa.
  • Tail-recursive functions are recursive functions that limit recursive calls to the tail position—that is, the result of the recursive call is returned directly, with no further manipulation.
  • Tail recursion ensures the stack does not grow with each recursive call.
  • Higher-order functions are functions that take one or more functions as parameters.
  • Polymorphic functions, also known as generic functions, are functions that use one or more type parameters in their signature, allowing them to operate on many types.
  • A function with no type parameters is monomorphic.
  • Polymorphic functions allow us to remove extraneous detail, resulting in definitions that are easier to read and write and are reusable.
  • Polymorphic functions constrain the possible implementations of a function signature. Sometimes there is only a single possible implementation.
  • Determining the implementation of a polymorphic function from its signature is known as following types to implementations or type-driven development.

Chapter 03: Functional data structures

  • Functional data structures are immutable and are operated on using only pure functions.
  • Algebraic data types (ADTs) are defined via a set of data constructors.
  • ADTs are expressed in Scala with enumerations or sealed trait hierarchies.
  • Enumerations may take type parameters, and each data constructor may take zero or more arguments.
  • Singly linked lists are modeled as an ADT with two data constructors: Cons(head: A, tail: List[A]) and Nil.
  • Companion objects are objects with the same name as a data type. Companion objects have access to the private and protected members of the companion type.
  • Pattern matching lets us destructure an algebraic data type, allowing us to inspect the values used to construct the algebraic data type.
  • Pattern matches can be defined to be exhaustive, meaning one of the cases is always matched. A non-exhaustive pattern match may throw a MatchError. The compiler often warns when defining a non-exhaustive pattern match.
  • Purely functional data structures use persistence, also known as structural sharing, to avoid unnecessary copying.
  • With singly linked lists, some operations can be implemented with no copying, like prepending an element to the front of a list. Other operations require copying the entire structure, like appending an element to the end of a list.
  • Many algorithms can be implemented with recursion on the structure of an algebraic data type, with a base case associated with one data constructor and recursive cases associated with other data constructors.
  • foldRight and foldLeft allow us to compute a single result by visiting all the values of a list.
  • map, filter, and flatMap are higher-order functions that compute a new list from an input list.
  • Extension methods allow object-oriented style methods to be defined for a type in an ad hoc fashion separate from the definition of the type.

Chapter 04: Handling errors without exceptions


Between map, lift, sequence, traverse, map2, map3, and so on, you should never have to modify any existing functions to work with optional values.

  • Throwing exceptions is a side effect because doing so breaks referential transparency.
  • Throwing exceptions inhibits local reasoning because program meaning changes depending on which try block a throw is nested in.
  • Exceptions are not type safe; the potential for an error occurring is not communicated in the type of the function, leading to unhandled exceptions becoming runtime errors.
  • Instead of exceptions, we can model errors as values.
  • Rather than modeling error values as return codes, we use various ADTs that describe success and failure.
  • The Option type has two data constructors, Some(a) and None, which are used to model a successful result and an error. No details are provided about the error.
  • The Either type has two data constructors, Left(e) and Right(a), which are used to model an error and a successful result. The Either type is similar to Option, except it provides details about the error.
  • The Try type is like Either, except errors are represented as Throwable values instead of arbitrary types. By constraining errors to be subtypes of Throwable, the Try type is able to provide various convenience operations for code that throws exceptions.
  • The Validated type is like Either, except errors are accumulated when combining multiple failed computations.
  • Higher-order functions, like map and flatMap, let us work with potentially failed computations without explicitly handling an error from every function call. These higher-order functions are defined for each of the various error-handling data types.

Chapter 05: Strictness and laziness

  • Non-strictness is a useful technique that allows separation of concerns and improved modularity.
  • A function is described as non-strict when it does not evaluate one or more of its arguments. In contrast, a strict function always evaluates its arguments.
  • The short circuiting && and || operators are examples of non-strict functions; each avoids evaluation of its second argument, depending on the value of the first argument.
  • In Scala, non-strict functions are written using by-name parameters, which are indicated by a => in front of the parameter type.
  • An unevaluated expression is referred to as a thunk, and we can force a thunk to evaluate the expression to a result.
  • LazyList allows the definition of infinitely long sequences, and various operations on LazyList, like take, foldRight, and exists, allow partial evaluation of those infinite sequences.
  • LazyList is similar to List, except the head and tail of Cons are evaluated lazily instead of strictly, like in List.Cons.
  • Memoization is the process of caching the result of a computation upon first use.
  • Smart constructors are functions that create an instance of a data type and provide some additional validation or provide a slightly different type signature than the real data constructors.
  • Separating the description of a computation from its evaluation provides opportunities for reuse and efficiency.
  • The foldRight function on LazyList supports early termination and is subsequently safe for use with infinite lazy lists.
  • The unfold function, which generates a LazyList from a seed and a function, is an example of a corecursive function. Corecursive functions produce data and continue to run as long as they are productive.

Chapter 06: Purely functional state


Don’t be afraid of using the simpler case class encoding and only refactoring o opaque types if allocation cost proves to be a bottleneck in your program.

Imperative and functional programming absolutely aren’t opposites. Remember that functional programming is simply programming without side effects. Imperative programming is about programming with statements that modify some program state, and as we’ve seen, it’s entirely reasonable to maintain state without side effects.

  • The scala.util.Random type provides generation of pseudo-random numbers but performs generation as a side effect.
  • Pseudo-random number generation can be modeled as a pure function from an input seed to an output seed and a generated value.
  • Making stateful APIs pure by having the API compute the next state from the current state rather than actually mutating anything is a general technique not limited to pseudo-random number generation.
  • When the functional approach feels awkward or tedious, look for common patterns that can be factored out.
  • The Rand[A] type is an alias for a function Rng => (A, Rng). There are a variety of functions that create and transform Rand values, like unit, map, map2, flatMap, and sequence.
  • Opaque types behave like type aliases in their defining scope but behave like unrelated types outside their defining scope. An opaque type encapsulates the relationship with the representation type, allowing the definition of new types without runtime overhead.
  • Extension methods can be used to add methods to opaque types.
  • Case classes can be used instead of opaque types, but they come with the runtime cost of wrapping the underlying value.
  • The State[S, A] type is an opaque alias for a function S => (A, S).
  • State supports the same operations as Rand — unit, map, map2, flatMap, and sequence — since none of these operations had any dependency on Rng being the state type.
  • The State data type simplifies working with stateful APIs by removing the need to manually thread input and output states throughout computations.
  • State computations can be built with for-comprehensions, which result in imperative-looking code.

Part Two: Functional design and combinator libraries

Chapter 07: Purely functional parallelism

  • No existing library is beyond reexamination. Most libraries contain arbitrary design choices. Experimenting with building alternative libraries may result in discovering new things about the problem space.
  • Simple examples let us focus on the essence of the problem domain instead of getting lost in incidental detail.
  • Parallel and asynchronous computations can be modeled in a purely functional way.
  • Building a description of a computation along with a separate interpreter that runs the computations allows computations to be treated as values, which can then be combined with other computations.
  • An effective technique for API design is conjuring types and implementations, trying to implement those types and implementations, adjusting, and iterating.
  • The Par[A] type describes a computation that may evaluate some or all of the computation on multiple threads.
  • Par values can be transformed and combined with many familiar operations, such as map, flatMap, and sequence.
  • Treating an API as an algebra and defining laws that constrain implementations are both valuable design tools and an effective testing technique.
  • Partitioning an API into a minimal set of primitive functions and a set of combinator functions promotes reuse and understanding.
  • An actor is a non-blocking concurrency primitive based on message passing. Actors are not purely functional but can be used to implement purely functional APIs, as demonstrated with the implementation of map2 for the non-blocking Par.

Chapter 08: Property-based testing

  • Properties of our APIs can be automatically tested and, in some cases, proven using property-based testing.
  • A property can be expressed as a function that takes arbitrary input values and asserts a desired outcome based on those inputs.
  • In the library developed in this chapter, the Prop type is used to model these properties.
  • Properties defined in this way assert various invariants about the functionality being tested—things that should be true for all possible input values. An example of such a property is that reversing a list and then summing the elements should be the same as summing the original list.
  • Defining properties for arbitrary input values requires a way of generating such values.
  • In the library developed in this chapter, the Gen and SGen types are used for arbitrary value generation.
  • Test case minimization is the ability of a property-based testing library to find the smallest input values that fail a property.
  • Exhaustive test case generation is the ability to generate all possible inputs to a property. This is only possible for finite domains and only practically possible when the size of the domain is small.
  • If every possible input to a property is tested and all pass, then the property is proved true. If instead, the property simply does not fail for any of the generated inputs, then the property is passed. There might still be some input that wasn’t generated but fails the property.
  • Combinators like map and flatMap continue to appear in data types we create, and their implementations satisfy the same laws.

Chapter 09: Parser combinators

  • A parser converts a sequence of unstructured data into a structured representation.
  • A parser combinator library allows the construction of a parser by combining simple primitive parsers and generic combinators.
  • In contrast, a parser generator library constructs a parser based on the specification of a grammar.
  • Algebraic design is the process in which an interface and associated laws are designed first and then used to guide the choice of data type representations.
  • Judicious use of infix operators, either defined with symbols as in | or with the infix keyword as in or, can make combinator libraries easier to use.
  • The many combinator creates a parser that parses zero or more repetitions of the input parser and returnsa list of parsed values.
  • The many1 combinator is like many but parses one or more repetitions.
  • The product combinator (or ** operator) creates a parser from two input parsers, which runs the first parser and, if successful, runs the second parser on the remaining input. The resulting value of each input parser is returned in a tuple.
  • The map, map2, and flatMap operations are useful for building composite parsers. In particular, flatMap allows the creation of context-sensitive parsers.
  • The label and scope combinators allow better error messages to be generated with parsing fails.
  • APIs can be designed by choosing primitive operations, building combinators, and deciding how those operations and combinators should interact.
  • API design is an iterative process, where interactions amongst operations, sample usages, and implementation difficulties all contribute to the process.

Part 3. Common structures in functional design

Chapter 10: Monoids

There is a slight terminology mismatch between programmers and mathematicians when they talk about a type being a monoid versus having a monoid instance. As a programmer, it’s tempting to think of the instance of type Monoid[A] as being a monoid, but that’s not accurate terminology. The monoid is actually both things—the type together with the instance satisfying the laws. It’s more accurate to say that type A forms a monoid under the operations defined by the Monoid[A] instance. Less precisely, we might say type A is a monoid or even type A is monoidal. In any case, the Monoid[A] instance is simply evidence of this fact.

This is much the same as saying that the page or screen you’re reading forms a rectangle or is rectangular. It’s less accurate to say it is a rectangle ( although that still makes sense), but to say that it has a rectangle would be strange.

  • A monoid is a purely algebraic structure consisting of an associative binary operation and an identity element for that operation.
  • Associativity lets us move the parentheses around in an expression without changing the result.
  • Example monoids include string concatenation with the empty string as the identity, integer addition with 0 as the identity, integer multiplication with 1 as the identity, Boolean and with true as the identity, Boolean or with false as the identity, and list concatenation with Nil as the identity.
  • Monoids can be modeled as traits with combine and empty operations.
  • Monoids allow us to write useful, generic functions for a wide variety of data types.
  • The combineAll function folds the elements of a list into a single value using a monoid.
  • The foldMap function maps each element of a list to a new type and then combines the mapped values with a monoid instance.
  • foldMap can be implemented with foldLeft or foldRight, and both foldLeft and foldRight can be implemented with foldMap.
  • The various monoids encountered in this chapter had nothing in common besides their monoidal structure.
  • Typeclasses allow us to describe an algebraic structure and provide canonical instances of that structure for various types.
  • Context parameters are defined by starting a parameter list with the using keyword. At the call site, Scala will search for a given instance of each context parameter. Given instances are defined with the given keyword.
  • Context parameters can be passed explicitly with the using keyword at the call site.
  • Scala’s given instances and context parameters allow us to offload type-driven composition to the compiler.
  • The summon method returns the given instance in scope for the supplied type parameter. If no such instance is available, compilation fails.
  • The Foldable typeclass describes type constructors that support computing an output value by folding over their elements — that is, support foldLeft, foldRight, foldMap, and combineAll.

Chapter 11: Monads

A monad is a monoid in a category of endofunctors

Minimal sets of monadic combinators

A monad is an implementation of one of the minimal sets of monadic combinators, satisfying the laws of associativity and identity.

  • unit and flatMap
  • unit and compose
  • unit, map, and join
State monad
def get[S]: State[S, S] = s => (s, s)
def set[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = _ => ((), s)

Remember that we also discovered that these combinators constitute a minimal set of primitive operations for State. So together with the monadic primitives ( unit and flatMap), they completely specify everything we can do with the State data type. This is true in general for monads—they all have unit and flatMap, and each monad brings its own set of additional primitive operations that are specific to it.

  • A functor is an implementation of map that preserves the structure of the data type.
  • The functor laws are
    • Identity: => a) == x
    • Composition: == andThen g)
  • A monad is an implementation of one of the minimal sets of monadic combinators, satisfying the laws of associativity and identity.
  • The minimal sets of monadic combinators are
    • unit and flatMap
    • unit and compose
    • unit, map, and join
  • The monad laws are
    • Associativity: x.flatMap(f).flatMap(g) == x.flatMap(a => f(a).flatMap(g))
    • Right identity: x.flatMap(unit) == x
    • Left identity: unit(y).flatMap(f) == f(y)
  • All monads are functors, but not all functors are monads.
  • There are monads for many of the data types encountered in this book, including Option, List, LazyList, Par, and State[S, _].
  • The Monad contract doesn’t specify what is happening between the lines, only that whatever is happening satisfies the laws of associativity and identity.
  • Providing a Monad instance for a type constructor has practical usefulness. Doing so gives access to all of the derived operations (or combinators) in exchange for implementing one of the minimal sets of monadic combinators.

Chapter 12: Applicative and traversable functors

Furthermore, we can now make Monad[F] a subtype of Applicative[F] by providing the default implementation of map2 in terms of flatMap. This tells us that all monads are applicative functors.

Effects in FP

Functional programmers often informally call type constructors like Par, Option, List, Parser, Gen, and so on effects. This usage is distinct from the term side effect, which implies some violation of referential transparency. These types are called effects because they augment ordinary values with extra capabilities. (Par adds the ability to define parallel computation, Option adds the possibility of failure, and so on.) We sometimes use the terms monadic effects or applicative effects to mean types with an associated Monad or Applicative instance.

Distinction between Applicative and Monad
  • Applicative computations have a fixed structure and simply sequence effects, whereas monadic computations may choose a structure dynamically, based on the result of previous effects.
  • Applicative constructs context-free computations, while Monad allows for context sensitivity. For example, a monadic parser allows for context-sensitive grammars, while an applicative parser can only handle context-free grammars.
  • Monad makes effects first class; they may be generated at interpretation time, rather than chosen ahead of time by the program. We saw this in our Parser example, where we generated our Parser[Row] as part of the act of parsing and used this Parser[Row] for subsequent parsing.
Semigroup and Monoid
  • A semigroup for a type A has an associative combine operation that returns an A given two input A values.
  • A monoid is a semigroup with an empty element such that combine(empty, a) == combine(a, empty) == a for all a: A.


Code Companion & Notes for Second Edition (Scala 3)






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