A simple readability oriented event driven workflow engine.
When an event gets triggered depending on the resources available it might take a while for the event to be processed.
cargo build --release
cd target/release
./workflow --help
./workflow start
./workflow add ./path/to/workflow.yaml
./workflow stop
Example workflow yaml file
name: check file exists
description: check if file exists
- name: Event1
description: First event
trigger: ./ping.sh
- name: foo
description: First task
path: ./tasks/create_foo.sh
on_failure: ./tasks/ls.sh
- path: ./tasks/create_bar.sh
on_failure: ./tasks/ls.sh
- path: ./tasks/free.sh
The events will be polled regularly and the tasks will be added to redis queue when an event is successfully triggered.
std out and err logs will be created for task and event process, the logs will be stored in ./logs/
More examples can be found in tests/workflows/
echo "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .env
echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@ >> .env
echo "REDIS_URL=redis://" >> .env
Start the containers
chmod +x ./start_containers.sh
Start the engine
cargo run -- --help
cargo run start
cargo run add tests/workflows/weather_checks/workflow.yml
echo "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32)" >> .envdocker
echo DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@postgres:5432/postgres >> .envdocker
echo "REDIS_URL=redis://redis/" >> .envdocker
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it workflow-postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres
\dt # list tables
SELECT * FROM engines;
docker exec -it workflow-redis redis-cli
LRANGE tasks 0 -1
- Create a test suite
- Add support for tasks
- Add support for event triggers
- Add CLI functionality to
- Parse workflow yaml files
- Add workflow to engine
- Check the status of engine, event and task processes
- Control workflows, pause, continue, abort , and delete
- Make it distributed
- Add support for multiple engines
- Add a testing environment with multiple engines using docker compose
- Implement gRPC to stream output of task and event processes
- Implement round robin algorithm for distributing workflows to engines
- Automate container deployment using
- Kubernetes
- Add support for multiple engines
If you are looking for a powerful workflow platform, check out Windmill