For my Research and Development unit (Bournemouth University Level6) I decided to 3D reconstruct a porous object such as a bone with the help of machine learning. The database that we used were mice tibia CT-scans. I collaborated with a classmate, Lucien Hugueniot. We successfully made the machine learning algorithm predict the labels(porosity ranges and the health factor) that we created. Our process was:
- Finding the data set
- See if the data set is large enough, if not we augment the data set by transforming the original images
- Process the images to find the most accurate porosity factor of the bone, the health factor was already given in the data set.
- Label the data set based on the porosity factor and the health factor
- Create the neural network
- Train the neural network and based on the results tweak the parameters or add layers to the the neural network
- Depending on the accuracy of the neural network we 3D reconstruct the bone [This stage was not done due to time limits]
The last step wasn't done due to time limits, but further work would be 3D reconstruct the bone using openVDB and Houdini. Further work would be to find a finer method to calculate the porosity factor so the labels would be more accurate and to get or create a bigger data set.
We used Keras, Tensorflow and Python to create the neural networks.
For further information there is a PDF report added to this project.