This library implements Signal K v1 protocol for sensors. It can be used as part of sensor code authenticating and sending the measurement data (so called "deltas").
Currently the library provides the following:
- Wifi connection/reconnection
- mDNS/SSDP Discovery
- Hosts a small webpage to display deltas and reset the authentication token
- Websocket Server
- Websocket Client, with auto discovery of Signal K server
- Sending authentication request to Signal K server and using the given authentication token
- Sending deltas with one or more values
However, the library does not do the following:
- Receive deltas and pass message to callback function
Supported microcontrollers:
- ESP8266 (tested Wemos D1, ESP-01S 1M),
- ESP32 (tested ESP-WROOM32),
Before starting to use EspSigK check out SensESP which is the market leader of Signal K sensor libraries.
- Microcontroller:
- Sensor HTTP server port for rebooting and resetting the server (defined in
- Sensor Websocket server port for debugging SignalK deltas (defined in
Define either EspSigK_ESP8266
or EspSigK_ESP32
at compile time. When using PlatformIO you can define
symbols in platformio.ini
build_flags = -DEspSigK_ESP8266
Don't forget to include EspSigK library in platformio.ini
lib_deps =
Sample app:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "EspSigK.h"
const String hostname = "Tester"; // Hostname for network discovery and sensor name for SignalK
const String ssid = "mywifi"; // SSID to connect to
const String ssidPass = "superSecret"; // Password for wifi
WiFiClient wiFiClient;
EspSigK sigK(hostname, ssid, ssidPass, &wiFiClient);
void setup() {
// Setting the server address is optional. If not set we try to discover server with mDNS.
// Start everything. Connect to wifi, setup services, etc...
// This function will be executed during safeDelay() function, see below
void localHandler() {
Serial.println("Executing localHandler()");
void loop() {
// There are two options to send deltas:
// Send multiple values in one message...
sigK.addDeltaValue("some.signalk.path", 3.413);
sigK.addDeltaValue("some.other.path", true);
// ...or send a single value
sigK.sendDelta("some.signalk.path", 3.413);
// Use this delay function instead of built-in delay()
// This function will continue handling connections etc. instead of blocking
// Optionally, you can pass a callback function pointer. This function will
// be executed during wait time.
// sigK.safeDelay(1000, &localHandler);
// If you don't use the delay function above call this one every
// loop in order to handle http/websocket connections etc.
// The top-level callback function can be passed to handle(), too.
// sigK.handle(&localHandler);
For more examples see examples/
To show the Signal K delta updates:
- Make sure you have defined
. - Start your sensor and find the IP of the device. If you have enabled serial debug messages
) you'll get the IP from the serial monitor. - Connect your browser to
. If everything goes as planned, the delta objects are shown on the page and dumped to the browser console.
If you do not get the messages but see a message Disconnected! #1006
try a different
browser. This means the browser hasn't been able to open a websocket connection to the
- Invent a new version number. EspSigK uses semantic versioning
- Update Changelog (below) and set version number to
- Push changes
- Create a new release
- Enter the new version number to "Choose a tag" field (e.g. "v1.6.0" - note the "v")
- Fill "Release title" field with the release name (see your Changelog)
- Copy release note markup from
to "Describe this release" textarea - Click "Publish release"
0.3.0 "Support for ESP32" 24-MAR-2023
- Added support for ESP32
- Fixed unresponsive HTTP server during SignalK authentication process
- Added reboot call to HTTP api & UI
0.2.0 "Authentication" 21-MAR-2023
- SignalK v1 authentication process
- added
for better PlatformIO support - directory structure according to PlatformIO documentation
- a new maintainer for the project
0.1.0 "Initial version" 27-JUN-2018
- Connecting wifi and sending deltas with pre-set authentication token
- Supported MCU: ESP8266